I can get you a rabbit

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"... Dilara"


"You named a tiger cub after your mother"

"Yes!", he answered all excited, "Isn't she cute?"

He lifted the animal higher for me to see. The little thing just stared at me

"It's a tiger"

He nodded, still not getting how absurd this was.

"She's so brave. She followed us all the way. She wants to stay with us!"

"It probably followed its mother's scent since we brought the skin"


He turned the cub to face him and smiled. "You're a smart little cub, aren't you, Dilara? Using your little nose, you're gifted!"

I had just woken up and I didn't know what to make of this.

"Ceri, we can't keep a predator"

"What? No! She needs us!"

"It's still a tiger. A wild animal"

"It's a baby!"

"It's probably a couple months old"

"It's a cute little cub..."

"It will grow sooner than you'd think. Then it will be dangerous"

"Ithel.........." he gave me a pleading look.

I sighed. After everything that happened to us, he was finally cheerful and excited about something. But it had to be something that will attempt to eat us in a few months.

A tiger.

A male tiger. Somehow, he wasn't seeing the animal's tiny reproductive parts. Somehow, he thought it was female and named it after his deceased mother.


"Ithel, please?"

.......... I sighed, "Fine."

His face brightened and he grinned.

"But don't get attached to it. You must accept the fact that cubs often don't last long without their mother"

"Not Dilara. I won't let her die. I'll take care of her"


"I will! She's alone because of me. It's my responsibility now. I won't do anything risky or stupid anymore. I'll be a strong hunter, I swear! I'll become the best and I'll protect you both!"

He hugged the animal to himself and the little thing didn't even protest. "I'll raise her well. Just like Aleksy did with the little rabbit"

"I can get you a rabbit"

"I don't want a rabbit. I have Dilara. Isn't that right, Dilara? Look how adorable and obedient you are! Such a good girl"

He patted the animal and it purred and stretched on his lap. Ceri chuckled and I smiled, despite the absurdity of the situation.

After washing a little and drinking from the generous waterfall, it was time to go hunting. I looked at my mate who was pampering his new friend.

My shoulder ached from my recent wound. I had to go get food and enough provisions for the winter. How could I leave Ceri alone, though?

He said that he was sorry and that he wouldn't do the same mistake again. But if I left him alone, he'd torment himself with feelings of weakness and inadequacy, or memories of that dreadful Aella-hunter. That would, once again, chase away his peace of mind and push him to act without proper reasoning. Since he lived most of his life on the mountain, he didn't have the ability to predict danger. He was too trustful to everything that looked nice and beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2018 ⏰

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