Tricky opportunity

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I woke up at something tickling my senses. My first thought was fear of finding myself in that horrible nightmare once more. But as I peeked through my eyelashes, I could see the weak rays of sunshine sneaking into the den. I sighed with relief and turned to lay on my back. It must have been dawn or just before, since it was still a bit dark.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned, and then I forced myself to a sitting position. Alev wasn't around and the place where he usually slept was empty. I stood up to go look for him, while still rubbing my sleepy eyes. Suddenly that sweet feeling that woke me up in the first place was back.

I tilted my head back and sniffed the air taking in the delicious smell. I followed the smell and it guided me outside the den, where I found Alev sharpening his weapon, and a very sexy Ithel roasting some fish over the fire.

I moaned. "I think this is the happiest morning ever"

"Ceri! You're up" Ithel smiled.

I bowed my head to Alev and greeted him. Then quickly went to kneel close to the fire. I breathed in the heavenly smell of the nicely cooked fish.

Alev smiled and Ithel chuckled. "And here I thought you were happy to see me"

"I am! I just... feel really, really hungry all of a sudden"

"Your love for fish is as strong as usual"

I sniffed the delicious smell and eyes the fish with lust. "It is the best food ever!"

"And now I wish I were a fish"

I laughed and pecked his cheek, somehow forgetting that we weren't alone. Ithel's eyes stared at me adoringly and he tilted his head slightly while we just gazed at each other.

"Why don't you clean yourself the time Ithel prepares the meal?" Alev said to me. I nodded and ran inside towards the water basin. On my way, I could hear Alev talk to Ithel. "And you, make sure you don't burn the meal you brought so early"

I looked back, wondering if my father's harsh tone hurt Ithel, but my strong Aello was smiling as he flipped the fish to cook the other side.

I quickly cleaned myself and took out some water and a few pieces of fruits that remained from yesterday.

I leaned back on my arms with my legs sprawled before me, barely keeping myself from burping.

"This, was the best meal ever" I ate so much, I was about to explode. Ithel chuckled and handed me his piece, but I shook my head and tapped my stomach. He laughed and bit into it. Only after swallowing that succulent meat did I remember to be thankful for the meal

"Thank you, Ithel! This was really great"

"I'll get you as much as you want, Ceri. I would love to feed you every day-"

"That won't be necessary." Alev interrupted. Once again, Ithel nodded and went back to finishing his food. And Alev turned to me. "So you love eating fish"

"It's my favorite!"

A strange look quickly passed in his eyes. He glanced at Ithel and then at the fish before he went back to sharpening his hunting weapons.

I looked at the sky. "It's a beautiful morning. Looks like it's going to be a lucky day"

Alev stopped moving at my words. I knew I was being a coward, but I just couldn't ask directly. A moment later he resumed working on one of his weapons and he said with a calm voice. "Just like I said yesterday, I am not certain this is a good idea."

Aella (manxman) - ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now