Chapter Four: Say What?

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  • Dedicated to Gparents 4 letting me use their comp!

Chapter Four: Say What?

**Zyla's POV**

  I groaned and sat up in bed. I hadn't been able to sleep-at all. I've been tossing and turning all night. Just then my stomach let out a very loud growl. "Are you serious?" I whispered. "I ate yesterday!" 

  Am I talking to my stomach?


  I shook my head and quietly threw the covers off of myself. I was gonna have to get something to eat. 

  Quietly I opened the door and slipped out into the hallway. Luckily I was wearing socks so I was quieter on the hard floor. I slowly tip toed down the stairs toward the kitchen. I opened the fridge when I reached the kitchen and was blinded temporarily by the harsh light. "Ah the light!" I whispered as I pulled lunch meat and bread out.


  Startled I looked up to see the blonde one standing there.

   "Yeah?" I asked pulling a piece of meat and bread out of their package. "What are you doing up?" I shurgged, "Got hungry. I only had a few crackers yesterday-Niall right?" He nodded. "Why are you here?" I shot back smiling a little as I shoved the food back in the fridge. Niall grinned, "Hungry same as you," I smiled at him. A real smile.

  "That's the first time I've seen you actually smile since you got here," he said seriously. I bit into my sandwich, "I've only been here like a day." Niall looked thoughtful, "True." I finished off my sandwich, "I'm gonna try and get some sleep," I said walking off toward the stairs. "Night."

  "Night," Niall said walking toward the fridge.

  I shut my door behind me and sighed. This was officially the weirdest day of my life.

**Liam's POV**

   "Where's Zyla?" I asked as I walking into the kitchen. It was around ten thirty and all the boys were up. Zayn shrugged, "Not up yet I suppose." 

   "Oh," was all I said before pouring myself a bowl of cereal.

**Zyla's POV**

   For some weird reason I always wake up in the morning but never open my eyes. 

   Weird right?

  Once I fell asleep with my eyes open. 

  I'm not really sure how though.

  I yawned and climbed out of bed ruffling my hair then stumbeld over to my mirror . . . that was really huge . . . like seriously . . . whoa. I looked around the room trying to remember where I was 'cause this sure wasn't my room (you'd know because there'd be Orlando Bloom and Pirates of the Carribean posters).

  Then I remembered. Oh.

  I looked in the mirror at my appearance. I actually looked pretty good. My hair all messy was pretty hot looking. I'd have to consider it as some sort of style. 

  People be jealous. Or something.

  I quickly brushed through my hair relieved it wasn't all knotty then pulled on some clothes (short shorts and a tank top) then started downstairs. 

  I walked into the kitchen, all the boys looked at me. I waved slightly and walked toward the cabinet not saying anything. "Morning," said Harry breaking the silence. I turned bak toward the lads and set the cereal box down. "Morning," I replied stiffly. Harry gave me that smile that probably made girls faint then went back to what he was eating.

  "Erm Zyla . . . " said Liam. I turned away rom him. "Yeah?" I asked. "I need to talk to you." I looked at him, "About?"

  "Well Simon Cowell called last night about this whole situation." I nodded, 'Ok."

  Liam continued, "The lads and us have an interview today and Simon wants us to introduce you."

  I stared for a second. "Say what?"

  "An interview toda-" Louis began. "No I heard," I said. "Why would he want me to do that?"

  Zayn stood up and dumped his bowl in the sink, "Becasue the press saw you dropped off here yesterday and want to know who you are," he answered. "Oh." of course they do. Can't they mind their own business? "Will you? You don't have to if you really don't . . . " said Liam. I rolled my eyes, "Yeah sure whatever, I don't really care." The lads said nothing for a second then Liam said, "Alright then." I shoved the cereal back into the panrty hoping I had made a good choice


hEY GUISE! So what do ya think?

LOL....People say my cousin looks liek Kevin Bacon...they do have the same nose

Im kinda depressed..or was...but not anymore...not that much...ah well I'll see ya laterr yo! Byea!!

PeAcE OuT!!!

-Bellena xoxo

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