Chapter Fourteen: My Bones Cracking-Kidding-It Was My Bed-WAIT! My Bed!

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So I'm thinking of adding a new character-would anybody liked to be casted as her? I haven't decided her name yet or personality but email me if you're interested at all at: and we could discuss it or somethingg! (: and then I'll tell everyone who it is when I make my final decision! (You could also comment below!)

Love ya all!!

-Bellena xoxo


Chapter Fourteen: My Bones Cracking-Kidding-It Was My Bed-WAIT! My Bed!

  ***A/N: It's now July 17th-1 day before Zyla's birthday! It's been about 3-4 days since Zyla's Mum died***

  **I'm taking it back a few hours to about 11:00 PM July 16th-Zyla's working on some songs she's writing**

  I smacked my flashlight on my hand to keep it from going out. Stupid thing. Needs new batteries. To think, I live with One Direction and can't even get batteries for my flashlight. Ridiculous.

  "This, this is for all the girls . . . boys all over the world . . . " I muttered hurriedly scribbling the words down. "Whatever you've been told you're worth more than gold . .  . so . . . um . . . hold your head up high," I said writing it down. I grinned slightly. This song was coming along pretty good.

*Two Hours Later*

  I groaned slightly as I crawled into bed shutting the flashlight off. I had just finished writing two songs and had the titles ready as well. 

  I needed to make sure I tell the others in the morning . . . 

*Morning (July 17th)*

  "You wake her up."

  "No you!"

  "Why me?!"

  "Because I'm Irish!"


  "Guys! Why are you fighting over who wakes her up?!


  "Just somebody wake her up, the girls are going to be here an in hour or so!"

  "Yes Zayn!"

  "Incoming!" screamed two voices.

  I let out a yell as two bodies landed on top of me!

  "Guys!" I yelled out as there was a loud cracking noise.

  My bones cracking-kidding-it was my bed-WAIT! My bed!

  I shot up as the bed fell inward somewhat. "Louis! Niall!" I screeched shoving them off the bed, "you broke my bed!"

  "Ow!" They whined as I carefully slid off the bed.

  I thought they're suppose to be the mature ones here!

  Ha. Ha. One Direction mature? I don't think so.

  "Geez . . . " I muttered slowly lifting the mattress up.

  This is SO going on Twitter. Mwahaha. I grabbed my phone from the table beside my bed, took the picture, then uploaded it to Twitter.

Zyla_4_Rizzle: This is what happens when to lads (@NiallOfficial @Louis_Tomlinson) jump on your bed . . .

  There were dinging noises as I posted the Tweet. 

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