Chapter Twenty-Seven: And Where the Hell Are Those Boys?

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Chapter Twenty-Seven: And Where the Hell Are Those Boys?

**Zyla's POV**

  I tapped my fingers nervously on my thigh as I waited for Simon to come back.

  What the hell is he doing?

  And where the hell are the boys?

**Zayn POV**

  "Where the heck is this store?" I say as Louis drives.

  Harry lets out an angry groan of frustration. "It doesn't even exist."

  "Erm what?" says Liam resting his head against the headrest on the seat.

  "The store doesn't exist," Harry answers. "Uh why would Simon send us out to a store that doesn't exist?" asks Niall pulling his phone out.

  Harry rolls his eyes. "Because he was trying to get us out of the building so he could talk to Zyla himself."

  "Oh." says Niall.

  "Simon's smart."

  We all roll our eyes at Niall's comment.

  "C'mon let's head back," I say as Louis turns the car around.

**Zyla's POV**

  "So what are you saying?" I ask Simon.

  "I'm saying," says Simon. "The only reason the boys were so mad is 'cause you didn't tell them." he pauses.

  "AND felt the need to sneak out."

  "Oh," is all I say.

  Simon nods. "The boys should be on their way back sometime . . . shouldn't have-"

  He stops as his phone makes a 'ding' sound.

  "Took them long enough to figure it out," chuckles Simon.

  "What?" I ask looking over his shoulder.

  I can see he has a text from Niall.

Niall: Hahahah you're funny Uncle Si. We figured out the store wasnt real...

  I let out a laugh, "Oh my god, I'm living with a bunch of idiots."


Harry: Not funny..we drove around foreverrrrrrrrrr :( you coulda just told us you wanted to talk to Zyla alone.

Liam: Ha Ha..yeah..joke's on you..I knew it didnt exist all along...yeah...

  I let out a laugh.

Zayn: Thats nooot fairrr Uncle Simonnnnn sooo mean.

Louis: If you wanted to talk to Zy alone you coulda just said. Even tho we prolly wouldnt have left and...and I dont know where im going with this...

  I smile.


**Niall's POV**

  "Simon's mean," I say as we walk inside to Simon's office.

  "Or you're all just gullible," says a voice to our left.

  We all turn to see Zyla standing there, leaning against the wall, Simon beside her.

  None of us say anything. She doesn't look angry but she doesn't look happy either.

  "If you're ready we can go," she says.

  "Yeah," Liam says quietly. "Let's go guys."

  We all nod.

  "Um . . . alright I'll see you later Simon," says Zyla smiling. 

  "Bye Zyla," he says. With that, he turns around and walks away.

  Well then.

**Zyla's POV**

  The ride home was probably THE awkwardest car ride I've ever experienced.


  COMPLETE silence. No radio or nothing.

  Let me just say, it was a relief to reach the house.

  It's still awkward though.

  When we walk into the house, all the boys head into the living room, leaving me in the kitchen.

  I sigh.

  "Guys," I call. I walk into the room to fidn them all squeezed on the couch, phones out. They look up at me.

  "Look trust me when I say, this is probably one of the hardest things for me to do," I say. I sigh.

  "I'm sorry" I say, "for sneaking out." The words taste bitter.

  Yeah I'm not very good at apologizing.

  "No we're sorry," says Louis. "We shouldn't have made THAT big of a deal out of it."

  All the boys nods.

  "We're just not used to all of . . . this," says Liam gesturing with his hands.

  "Fair enough," I say. "Me too.


  "Uh . . . I'm also sorry I didnt tell you about me and Austin."

  "Speaking of which," says Louis smirking. "When we gonna meet Austin?" He waggles his eyebrows.

  I smile. "All in good time . . . so like . . . maybe next year or ya know? Never."

  "But I wanna meet him," whines Harry.

  "Well I can only see about it if I have Bill," I reply. 

  "No can do babe," says Louis patting his pocket.

  "Who's Bill?" whsipers Zayn (very loudly I might add).

  "Oh-It's her phone," whispers Louis back-also very loudly.

  "Oh gotcha," whispers Zayn back nodding. He turns to me. "Hahahahaha you don't get Bill."

  "Hahahahahaha you suck," I say.

  "PILLOW FIGHT!" screams Niall chucking a balloon at me.

  I flinch as the balloon hits me and water explodes out of it.

  "OH MY GOD-Niall what the fudgesicles!? I cry.

  "AMBUSH!" yells Louis throwing another one.

  "Shit!" I mutter ducking down.

  I caught the next one that Harry threw. "Whoa good catch," he says. I smile and chuck it back at him.

  He lets out a girly scream. "BOYS I'VE BEEN SHOT!"

  I blow on my nails.

  Talk about drama queen.


-Bellena xoxo

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