Chapter Twenty-Four: Now Excepting Criticism

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Chapter Twenty-Four:

  "And 5 6 7 8," I muttered jumping around my room trying to button my skinny jeans.

  Don't judge me.

  4:55am and I'm jumping around my room like an idiot.

  Nothing out of use. Use? I don't even know.

  I grabbed my jacket, phone, then slid down the trellis catching a few leaves in my hair.

  Sputtering, I got rid of the leaves and hurried down the road to the cafe, pulling my hood over my face.


  "Hey Zyla," said a voice wrapping his arms around my waist. I bit back a grin as I turned around to see Austin standing there. 

  "Hi," I said pecking his lips. "Wanna come back to my place or . . . ?"

  "Uh, we better just stay here. I need to leave at 6:00 so I can get ready and everything," I explained as we slid into the same side of the booth. Austin nodded, "Sounds good. Let's order something." I nodded as well, "Sounds good."

  "Hi! I'm Angela! What can I get you two?" asked a girly voice. We both looked up to see a pretty blonde grinning at us as if she could see how much we liked each other.

  "Uh I'll have bacon and eggs," I said pulling my wallet out. "I'll pay babe," whispered Austin. "And I want chocolate chip pancakes," he said louder. The girl nodded and walked away. "Thank you!" I called leaning my head against Austin's shoulder. "I can pay you know," I said softly. I felt Austin's shoulder shake slightly as he laughed, "I know love but I want to pay. Nothing wrong with that right?"

  I smiled and shook my head as I opened my mouth,



  "I gotta go," I said. The time is 6:01. Over our date we had talked about his tours and songs and my songs and the lads. How tot ell them we were dating never came up. Guess we'll have to deal with that when it comes up.

  "I'll walk you half way," said Austin standing up and stretching. I grinned, "Sounds good. We didn't bother pulling our hoods on as we left the cafe, our hands intertwined, as we walked.

  "So what have you been doing here?" I asked as we walked.

  Austin shrugged, "Just relaxing. Wrote a couple of songs. I dunno if they'll be put out there though."

  "Well you'll have to let me hear them sometimes," I said smiling at him.

  "Definitely." he answered. "Zyla-"

  "Yeah I said.

  "When are you gonna tell the boys about us?"


  Just then a light flash in the bushes.


  "Damn," muttered Austin. "C'mon." he tugged my hand and pulled my through the crowd of paparazzi.

  "Zyla! Zyla! What did Austin me by 'are you going to tell the boys about us?' "

  "Zyla! Are you and Austin dating?!"

  "Zyla! Are you pregnant!?" asked another.

  I ignored them and shielded my eyes from the flashing lights as Austin finally pulled us away from them.

  "Let's get out of here!" he said as we started walking faster trying not to draw attention to ourselves.

  Yeah we're failing.

  "Ok so I'll see you later," I said a bit breathless as my flat came into sight. "Alright," said Austin, "bye babe!" Then he walked off.

  I hurried to the trellis and quickly climbed up, praying the boys hadn't gotten up earlier and seen I wasn't here.

  Still trying to gain my breath back I slipped through the window, grabbed some clothes and took a quick shower, After I got out I picked out some ripped jean shorts and a bright green shirt with a pink peace sign in the middle. Then I grabbed my phone and hurried downstairs.

  "Hey guys," I said yawning setting my phone on the counter.

  It was real I swear.

  "Morning," they all said absently staring at the TV. The show Pop Culture was on.

  "Pances ver der," said Niall shoving food into his mouth. He was the only one eating.


  He swallowed. "Pancakes over there," he repeated pointing to the stove. I nodded, "Thanks. What time are we going to see Simon?"

  "Really soon. So hurry up and eat," responded Louis. 

  I nodded as I heaped four pancakes onto my plate.

  And now for the syrup.

  And now the fruit

  Next up the whip cream.

  Yum. Yum.

(Extended link is a picture xD)

  "Ooh turn the it up Lou," said Harry pointing to the TV.

. . . . news for you fresh from this morning on Zyla Payne-

  My head jerked up.


-paparazzi caught her walking home early this morning from the little cafe (Java Zone)-

  Oh so that's what it's called.

-with none other than pop sensation Austin Mahone.

  I watched in horror as a picture of Austin and I walking and holding hands showed up.

  I heard a fork make contact with a plate.

Austin was overheard saying "Are you going to tell the boys about us?" What do you guys think this means? Do the boys not know about the possible relationship between Zyla and Austin? More on it next.

  I stared at the TV as it went to commercial.

  I'm an idiot.

  I know I know.

  Now excepting criticism

  "Zyla," snapped Louis.

  I looked up to find them all staring at me.

  I smiled nervously. "Look alike?" I tried.

  "What the hell?" said Liam.

  "Is that real?" asked Zayn.

  I took a deep breath.


  "Where the hell did you guys meet?" said Harry.

  "At the cafe," I replied.

  "By sneaking out?" said Niall who had stopped eating.

  I didn't answer.

  "How long has this been going on?" asked Liam angrily.

  "Since July 13th," I muttered.

  Pray for me.


Love youuu allll thankssss sooo muuch for all da readsssss <3

- Bellena xoxo

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