Chapter Two: I Can't Believe This

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Chapter Two: I Can't Believe This

**Zayn's POV**

  "Harry that's not fair!" I hear Louis scream from downstairs. I groaned and put my head in my hands. Could a guy get any sleep around here? I had felt like crap all day and their screaming wasn't helping. 

  I threw the covers off and ran out of my bedroom to the banister.

  "Could you guys be quiet!" I yelled. Louis (who was jumping on the couch) and Harry (who was ignoring Louis while playing Xbox) looked up. "I really don't feel well so could you guys quiet down?" 

  "Sure . . . sorry Zayn," said Harry apologetically.

  Just then phone started ringing. 

  "I got it!' Liam yelled. I groaned and headed back to my room. 

**Liam's POV**

  "Hello?" I said picking up the telephone.


  I froze. I didn't tink I would ever hear this voice again.

  "Anne?" I whispered. "Yes," she responded, "we need to talk."


  "Your daughter."

**Zyla's POV**

 Dear Journal/Dave,

I can't believe my Mum right now. First she tells me she has a severe case of lung cancer and that she's basically dying and then says I'm going to go live with my dad while she's in America. A girl can only handle so much. 

  I just can't believe Mum's dying. She's always seemed so healthy. Seemed. Was she lying this entire time? 

  I sighed and shut the little book. Had she been lying this entire time? I leaned agaisnt the wall. I didn't and wouldn't meet him. I couldn't. After all he did? I had never met him. I didn't even know his name. I hate him though. And I have every right to. He abandoned Mum when he found out she was pregnant. He abandoned us. 

  "Zyla?" I turned around and saw Mum standing there. I nodded for her to come in. She walked in and sat on the edge of my bed. "Mum," I whispered, "please don't make me go."

  "Zyla," Mum began, "please just do it for me. You guys need to meet each other sooner or later."

  "Mum I don't even know his name!" I whisper-yelled. "I know," she said whipering as well. I looked away and wiped at my eyes. I needed to this-for her. "Fine," I whispered. She looked up, "Really?" she said in a soft tone. "Really." I answered still looking down.

  "When?" I asked. 'When am I going?" Mum looked at me, "My flight leaves tomorrow."

  "Tomorrow?" I said weakly, "I don't even know his name."

  We sat in silence listening to the radio as a song I can't stand by a band I hate came on. Mum kept staring at the radio saying nothing. Then it dawned on me. 

  My dad was one of the members of One Direction.

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