Chapter Twenty-Five: Except For Niall Who Was Finishing His Pancakes

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Chapter Twenty-Five:

(PS: I may try a diff style of writing it will still be good but I'm gonna try and use the present writing tense instead of past writing tense)

  "What the hell! You've been sneaking out?!" said Louis angrily.

  I groaned, "Yes ok? But it's a long story! Just-"

  "Why the hell would you sneak out?!" demanded Liam.

  God help me.

  I opened my mouth then closed it.

  I have no answer.

  "Well?" demanded Harry.

  Oh lord he's scary when he's angry.

  Just so you all know.

  Note to self: Don't piss off Harry Styles. Will regret.

  "It's complicated ok?" I said standing up my hand swiping my phone onto the floor.

  Their eyes were glued to it.


  The one time I DON'T put a password on my phone.

  "Guys-!" I start before they lunge for my phone.

  They like literally lunged. 

  Except for Niall who was finishing his pancakes.

  "How long have you been texting him?" asked Liam who was staring intently at my phone.

  "Uh . . . " I said swallowing nervously. "I dunno."

  They all looked up annoyed.

  "Is she sexting?" asked Niall shoving the last bit of pancake in his mouth. But it came out as "ib ehs sestin?"

  I turned around and swatted Niall on the head. 

  "Niall! No! Gosh what is wrong with you?!"

  "Ow!" yelped Niall cowering down.

  "Idiot," I muttered.

  "Break up with him," said Louis suddenly.

  "What?" I said.

  "Break up with him," Liam said.

  I snorted. "Um no. Do't tell me what to do."

  "You know what," said Liam. "I'm your D-"

  I stepped back, "Ok whoa. Just stop right there. DON'T pull that shit on me. It won't work."

  Liamstarted walking towards me before Harry grabbed his arm.

  "Whoa mate calm down," said Harry. 

  "You're overreacting," I said.

  "Don't start," said Louis.

  "Uh you guys won't even hear my side of the story," I said sitting down on the arm of the couch giving them my 'you'll never win' face.

  I smirked at them.

  "If you don't break up with him I will," said Louis grabbing the phone. I just stared at him grinning very slightly.

  "We both agreed to never break up by phone." I lied. "If you do it he'll know it's not me."

  "You know what-" started Louis but stopped and glanced at his watch.

  "Crap. Guys we've got to get to the studio."

  "Ooh yay maybe Simon can clear this up," I said sarcastically.

  The boys looked at each other for a second with one of those, "hm" faces.

(See external link for a pic of what their faces looked like:)

  "Guys . . . it was a joke," I said.

  "Let's just go. We'll deal with this later," said Zayn rolling his eyes.

  "C'mon," said Harry grabbing my arm and pulling me forward.

*At The Studio*

  "Ah good you're all here," said Simon cheerily.

  "Yeah whatever," I said crossing my arms.

"You know if you don't want to do this we can leave, "snapped Niall who actually seemed mad about the whole ordeal.

  "Well obviously you all still want it to happen 'cause you flipping drove me here," I said rolling my eyes.

  "Is there something-?" began Simon.

  "Would you just stop with the attitude?" said Louis crossing his arms.

  "Uh you stop with the attitude," I said putting my hands on my hips and turning to face him.

  "Hey!" said Simon causing all of us to turn and face him.

  "Yes?" I asked.

  "What happened?" he demanded.

  "Cancer happened," I said harshly.

  They knew what I meant.

  With that I turned around and ran out of the building.

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