Chapter Twenty-Three: And This is Why I Shouldn't Be Allowed a Twitter

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Chapter Twenty-Three: And This is Why I Shouldn't Be Allowed a Twitter

"So when am I recording Gold?" I asked getting couple popsicles out of the freezer.

"Um . . . tomorrow," answered Louis his eyes glued to his phone.

"Sweet," I said licking my popsicle. Just then the rest of the boys walked into the kitchen-Harry wearing a beanie.

"A beanie?" I said.

Christy and I grinned at each other and began singing:

What's that? A hat?

Crazy funky junky hat

Overslept hair unsightly

Trying to look like Keira Knightley

We've been there we've done that

We see right through your funky hat!

Then Christy sat back down.

And let the silence continue.

"What? Christy asked biting a piece off the delicious frozen sweet.

"You guys scare me," said Niall.

"HAHAHA-Why thank you my little snowflake," said Christy biting off huge chunks of her popsicle.

"Whoa slow down or you're gonna get a-"


"-Brain freeze," I finished.

"Ok seriously though-I need to talk to you," said Christy walking towards the stairs. "How 'bout we take a swim yeah?" I nodded throwing my popsicle stick away.

"Ooh can we come!?" asked Liam.

"No," Christy and I said together.

"Aw," they all said frowning. "You guys are mean!" said Niall pretending to cry into Harry's shoulder.

. . . or is he actually crying? . . .

Oh well.

I pulled my phone out and randomly tweeted stuff.

Zyla_4Rizzle: Merp.

Zyla_4Rizzle: If I was Batman . . . I'd be Batman . . .

Zyla_4Rizzle: I'm Batman not Liam

And this is why I shouldn't be allowed a Twitter.

"Ok so I think," started Christy pulling on her swimsuit, "that you need to tell them before the paps find out and it's all over the news." I shrugged as I clipped my yellow bikini top on. Today I was going to tan. "Pleae. They're not gonna find out over the news. That's impossible." Christy rolled her eyes," These are paparazzi we're talking about. They're sneaky and they're gonna find out."

"Guess I'll deal with it when it comes," I said grabbing and towel and opening the door. "C'mon let's go."

"Wait I'm posing for pictures," I said taking pictures in my mirror of her in her bikini. I grinned and slipped my phone out.

Zyla_4Rizzle: Getting ready to swim with @Christy_xx

It's been four years since I joined Twitter and just like a week or to ago I had 1,000 followers, and don't even ask me how that happened 'cause I legit have no idea. Anyway, now I'm at four million. Crazy right? Like seriously.

"Ok let's go!" I exclaimed.

"TO THE POOL!" screeched Christy.

I sat my towel down on the deck and checked my texts.

Austin<3: Hey babe <3

Me: Hi love. How's it going?

Austin<3: Great! Just relaxing at home. You?

Me: Getting ready to swim with Christyy

Austin<3: Awesome...have you told the boys?

Me: No...Idk how...

Austin<3: Me either.../:

Me: What if we meet up at the cafe again aye?

Austin<3: To figure out how to tell the boys?

Me: Oh welllll that too i just really wanted to see u :P

Austin<3: I like the way u think babe. So when will we do this?

Me: Hm....erm...tomorrow morn? At like 5:00? I'm recording my song tomorrow so we can't stay together too long...

Austin<3: Works for me (:

Me: Alright. Look I gtg swimming timeee! <3 you!

Austin<3: Love you tooo :D

  I grinned and hid my phone from the sun as I heard a splash.

 "C'mon Zy jump in!" yelled Christy flailing around. "Coming!" I called.

  Then I jumped in.


Heyyy! So this is a fillerrr just so u know :PP 


-Bellena xoxo

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