Chapter Nine: I Wonder If Bill Will Take Our Order

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Hello Padawans. Yes that is my new nickname for you. Turnips got old! Like really, they got old and everything. Buut it's ok because here's chapter nine!! YAY. I deeply apologize for any spelling mistakes. I usually try and go thru the chappy and correct stuff but I'm too lazy most of the time so..anyway enjoy the chappy!

-Bellena xoxo


Chapter Nine:

 *At Cafe*

  "What can I get you?" asked the guy behind the counter. His name tag said Bill. Hello Bill. "Your number and date," said Christy slyly. Bill wasn't amused. Serious much? "Are you going to please an order?" he asked. I scoffed, ''Yes, I'd like a diet water please." Bill looked confused. "Diet water?"

  "Uh yeah," I replied keeping my face straight. "Arbys has them. They are like THE bomb!" That's when Christy busted up laughing which resulted in me laughing which ruined the entire thing. Bill finally caught on after we had been laughing for years. It was my twentieth birthday already. Just kidding-but seriously, he was slow. "Step aside please if you're not gonna order." Bill is a serious duckling. "Yes Sir," I said saluting him as we stepped aside.

  Just then two girls stepped up. "I'm invisible," said the blonde one looking really upset. "Really?" Bill said sounding bored. "Can you see me?" she asked cheering up a little. "Yeah."

  "Ooh how bout tomorrow night?"

  "What are-? Really! Do you guys mind?" All of us girls started cracking up as another customer moved up to the front.  'Wow that was hilarious!" I cried as the girls walked towards us. 'Thanks," said the dirty blond, "yours was pretty funny too!" 

  "Hah I know right?" said Christy flipping her hair playfully. "I'm Christy and this is Zyla."

  "Hi! This is Christina and I'm Heather-we're models from Dublin," said the dirty blonde. I smiled, "Hi,"

  "Wait you're Zyla?" asked Christina. I nodded. ''Like Zyla Payne-er Parker?" I grinned, ''Yep that's me!"

  "Whoa that's so cool-we're big fans of your dad and the rest of the band!" explained Heather. "It seems a lot of people are," I muttered. 'Well they're liek the top band in thrty something countries, last time I heard anyway," Christina said shrugging. "Hey did you guys model in that magazine Sixteen?" (randomly made up the name xD) asked Christy looking thoughtful. "Uh . . . yeah I think so," Heather replied, "the one where we were wearing the neon colors for Summer?" Christy nodded, ''Yeah that's the one." both girls nodded, "Yep we did."

  "Ok I really don't care if we just met," I said, "we NEED to hang sometime!" Both girls nodded, 'How about right now?" asked Heather, "we were just about to get something to eat anyway." Christy and I both nodded. 'I wonder if Bill will take our order . . . " I said grinning. We all laughed and got in like behind some guy doing the chicken dance.

   When we got up front Bill rolled his eyes, "Not you guys again." I scoffed, "Hurtful! Don't worry, we're actually taking our orders this time.'' He sighed, "What do you want?" Hm. What indeed. "I'll have a sandwhich Christy? Christina? Heather?"

  "I'll have a salad," said Christina. I looked at her puzzled. "Models have to be careful about what they eat," she explained. "That sounds horrible." I cried. Both Heather and Christina rolled their eyes, "You get used to it if you've been modeling as long as us."

  "I'll have a chicken sandwich-how long's that been?" said Christy pulling her money out. "Well . . . we're both turning sixteen in August, so about seven years," Christina replied counting on her fingers. "You've been modeling since you we're nine?" I asked. "Yeah around then," said Heather, "oh I'll have a salad as well." 

  "Dang," I said as Bill handed us our orders. "Thanks," said Christy as we went to sit down. 


  "Ok so here's our numbers," said Christina as Christy and I handed over our phones. "Alright I'll text you later so that way we can hang sometime," I said. Both girls grinned, "Ok we'll see you later-our ride is here," said Heather gesturing to the car outsie. "Ok we'll see you late-bye!"

  "So should we have your mum come pick you up?" I asked as Christy and I walked back to the flat. "Yeah but then we'd have to explain everything to her," said Christy as we reached the front door. I shrugged, "We'd have to do it sooner of later anyway, let's just get it over with." Christy nodded, "Ok-ut I'll explain it to her-it'll just be awkward with all the lads there. When we go hoe I'll explain it to her ok?" I sighed as we set down the food we had brought back from the cafe. "Ok ok fine."

  "I'll see you later," I said to Christy. Christy nodded and smiled. "Um-" began Melissa. "Christy's gonna explain everything," I said knowing what she was going to ask. "Well then um we'll see you later," said Melissa looking more confused than ever. I smiled, "Bye guys-Christy I'll text you." Christy grinned back, "Ok bye!"


Hi guise! So Im realllyyyy excited for da next chappy which is why this one be so short!! I'm legit starting the 10th chappy right after I publish this one! CHANNING TATAM-is NOT the sexiest person ever. Just saying!

whoa....TENTH CHAPPY BABY! xD lolzzzz Hehehehe..So please vote and comment and love this story! Bc I would be so hahy if you did! And I'd love you 5ver!! (see what I did there yeah yeah-no? Ok.) Tough crowd aye?? I love whoever reads this story and whoever comments I will try and follow you back bc I love anyone and everyone who reads this story-did I already say that? I think so. Well bye bye my padawans!

Peace out, love, and all dat!

-Bellena xoxo

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