Chapter Twenty-One: Usually I'm a Fabulous Liar

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Chapter Twenty-One: Usually I'm a Fabulous Liar


  I opened my eyes.


  -End Of Recap-

  I stared at him ignoring the fact that his arms were wrapped around me.

  My heart rate sped up as I stared at him, worried about what he was going to do.

  "Get off me," I snapped trying to sound brave. I shoved his arms away and stood up to see all of the boys standing there.


**Louis' POV**

  "Get off me," Zyla snapped standing up.


  What's going on?

  Zyla isn't one of those people that is . . . intimidated by others, but Jace seems to make her really nervous.

**Harry's POV**

  I'm wondering what's going on with Zyla . . . 

  First this Jace guy burst into the apartment and goes to Zyla's room-and just a second ago he had his arms wrapped around her.

  And now she looks a bit freaked out.

**Liam's POV**

  Is it weird that I feel strangely protective of Zyla?

  Especially considering the look on her face.

  She actually seems . . . scared.

**Niall's POV**

  I don't like this guy.

  The looks that Zyla's giving him. She seems really nervous around him.

**Zayn's POV**

  I wonder why Zyla looks so nervous.

  I don't like this Jace guy.

**Zyla's POV**

  I tried to keep calm especially since the boys were giving Jace death stares.

  "Erm . . . guys could you go out in the living room and get the DVDs?" I asked. They nodded reluctantly and filed out the door shutting it behind them.

  I rolled my eyes at Jace, turned towards my desk and began shoving all the crap into my bag.

  "Zyla-" he began. "What?" I said tightly throwing some papers away. "Please can we talk? I've been trying to get a hold of you for months," he said pleadingly. "Yeah that's why I blocked you," I responded airily pulling an old tac off the wall. "Come on babe don't be like that," said Jace snaking his arm around my waist. I slapped it away, "Don't touch me."

  "You're my girlfriend I'll-" I stepped away from him, "Back it up. Ex-girlfriend. We broke up Jace."

  "No relationship's over unless I say so," said Jace looking annoyed. I rolled my eyes, "You're whole control freak act doesn't work with me. You don't own me got it? I'll make my own choice. This relationship ended-a long time ago. I'm not gonna date a ra-"

  Jace slammed me against the wall. 

  "I. Never. Did. That," he growled trapping me.

  "Stop lying!" I said annoyed myself. "I know, I was there, I was that person!"

  He growled under his breath.

  I didn't shrink away from him. "Back down Jace. You could never take me on. Besides there are five bigger and stronger guys in the other room who already don't like you. Do you really wanna deal with them?"

  Jace took a deep breath then stepped away just as the door opened.

**Zayn's POV**

  "Everything ok in here?" I asked opening the door to Zyla's old room.

  Zyla and Jace were standing there facing each other. She nodded, "Yeah everything's fine."

  "What was the banging sound?" I asked. "Oh I fell against the desk," Zyla answered. I gave her a weird look then left the room.

  Something's not right about this.

**Zyla's POV**

  I don't think Zayn was convinced.

  Usually I'm a fabulous liar but they already don't like Jace and everything . . . Oh well.

  "Zyla I've been seeing a counselor about my . . . problems," Jace muttered staring at the ground.

  "What?" I asked feeling confused. "What does that mean?"

  "Just please give me another chance," Jace cried. I rolled my eyes, "Just 'cause you say sorry doesn't mean I trust you again. And we're NOT dating. Just friends-barely. Got it?"

  Jace grinend and nodded, "Yes! Thank you Zyla!"

  I gave him a small smile. "I gotta go. I'll unblock you from my phone," I said tying the bag up. Jace nodded, "Alright. See you later."

  I then walked out the door. "Ready guys?" I asked as Jace left. 

  They all nodded.

  I am not looking forward to the car ride back.


Hope you like!! Sorry it's so short but I'm being forced to write this by @crazygirlxxx bc I lost a bet -_- xD byeeee

-Bellena xoxo

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