Chapter Five: Oh My gods How Late Did I Sleep?

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 **GUYs: I know the whole age thing doesnt make sense but please...just use the imagination God blessed you with :) Tank ya!**

 "What time's the interview?" I asked Harry as he followed me up to my room. "Erm at one thirty," he replied. 'What time is it now?" He looked at his watch. "twelve thirty-eight." I turned and looked at him. "Oh my gods how late did I sleep?!"

  "Late," Harry replied grinning. I rolled my eyes, "How fancy should I dress?" Harry shrugged, "Not too fancy. . . just casual. . . like jeans and a nice shirt or something." I made a thumbs up sign, "Sounds good." Harry grinned and walked toward his room as I walked into mine. I sighed. I had very little time to get ready. I dug through my clothes and finally decided on some holey jeans with a pink ruffly shirt and a jean jacket. I quickly dashed on some makeup and grabbed my phone and jerked the door open.

  "Looking good Zyla," Harry said slyly smiling. I smirked. "Wish I could same the same curly."  Harry clutched his heart, his mouth open mockingly. I shoved him, "Don't cry I was kidding." We grinned and started toward the stairs.

  Someone called, "Zyla! Harry! Hurry up we have to go!' I made a face as we reached the bottom. It had been Louis who had yelled. I smiled. "Sorry Lou," said Harry as we hurried out to the car. No one said anthing as we drove.

  "How long's it gonna take to get there?" I asked breaking the silence. "Not long," Liam replied. "But how long?" I asked. "Like ten minutes," said Liam shrugging. I looked away and rolled my eyes.

**Ten Minutes Later**

   "HERE!" Zayn yelled as the car came to a stop. "Yes!" cried Harry as the boys stumbled out of the car Liam going for the lead. I rolled my eyes as I got out. How could someone as immature as that be my father? I hurried up to the door as the five lads rushed in.

   "Hi there!" said a woman walking forward. She shook all of the boys hands then stared at me. "Can I help you?" she asked almost arrogantly. "She's with us," said Liam putting his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off and glared at him.

   The woman smiled forcefully. "Alright then come this way your interview starts in two."

   "You'll stay backstage," the woman shot at me. I bit back my retort and just nodded.

  Me and the boys waited back stage as the woman hurried on stage and sat down.

  "So are any of you familiar with a certain British boy band called One Direction?" The screaming was ear piercing. "I thought you might," the woman laughed. "Well give them a big hello as they join us on stage!" The screaming was even louder as the boys walked out smiling and waving. I rolled my eyes again.

  "Hi I'm Cathy," said the interviewer shaking all their hands. "Hi Cathy," Louis said as they sat down, squeezing onto the couch. She asked a few questions and then all the sudden asked about me. "So who's the girl that came here with you guys?" I saw the lads look at each other. 'Well Cathy she um," Liam said. The crowd seemed to be almost leaning in wondering what he would say. "She's my daughter."

   The gasps from the crowds seemed almost as loud as when the people were yelling. Everyone seemed stunned. 

   Then it was quiet. Liam was staring at the ground and the others were looking straight ahead. "Um . . . " Cathy said also startled. "Can we meet her?" a girl's voice called out from the audience. "Yeah!" the crowd said. "What do you say Liam?" asked Cathy. Liam shrugged and nodded, "Sure!" I could feel their eyes on me as I leaned against the wall back stage. I sighed and shut my eyes. May as well get it over with.

  I groaned quietly and stepped out onto the stage. I quickly walked toward the couch staring straight ahead, I sat down on the arm seeing as Zayn was almost falling off as it is. 

  "Hi," I mumble quietly. "Hi there," Cathy said smiling, "can you tell us your name?"

  "Zyla Parker," I said louder so everyone can hear me. "Parker?" Cathy asked puzzle. "Yeah . . . er that's my mum's name." I said looking down. "It's complicated," said Liam almost apologetically. "Ah I see," said Cathy smiling at Liam. She looked back at me. "So why are you two all of the sudden reunited after all these years-you're how old?" 

  I answered, "Fifteen next Thursday." (Which btw is July 18th just so you all know:) Cathy nodded. "So how come you've all the sudden be reunited after fifteen years?" I was surprised by the tears that stung my eyes. "Family matter," Harry jumped in looking at me. He must've noticed the tears. "What kind?" Cathy asked. She was getting a bit too nosy. "It's really none of your buisness you know," I shot at her. She looked at me. "What?"

   I rolled my eyes, "Are you deaf? I said, it's none of your buisness. Keep your nose out of things that don't concern you." I stood up. "Zyla," Liam whispered harshly. "No this is crap Liam. I didn't agree to this. I agreed to an interview. NOT an interrogation!" Liam stood up. I lifted my hands up, "I'm done." And turned around and walked back toward the restrooms not caring what anyone thought. "Erm . . . " I heard Cathy say, "We'll be right back after this break." 

   "Well that was . . . interesting," said Cathy as she and the boys walked backstage. I kept walking my heart beat speeding up. "Zyla!" I closed my eyes and stopped. I turned around to see just Liam walking toward me looking angry. "What?" I said curtly. "What's your problem?" he asked coming closer. "You're asking me what my problem is?!" I said trying not to shout. "Yes I'm asking you!" said Liam harshly. "Interviewers do that you can't snap back at them otherwise it can get twisted into something bad!" I crossed my arms. "I'm sorry ok? She was getting on my nerves she's so freaking nosy." Liam scowled at me, "Yeah that's gonna happen you-" I cut him off, "Whatever I get it just stop nagging me. it won't happen again." Liam looked like he wanted to say something but thought better of it. Just then Cathy walked up.

  Liam said, "is the interview over or do we come back out there?"

  "That's what I came to tell you we decided to cut the interview since we can see your having some . . . problems." She stared pointedly at me. I made a face at her and stalked off ignoring Liam calling my name.

   "Zyla!" I heard someone call. It wasn't Liam though it was a deeper voice. I turned around to see Harry rushing towards me. "What?!" I almost yelled. "Calm down Zyla," said Harry stopping next to me, "What's wrong?" I gestured to behind me, "That stupid woman." Harry laughed slightly and ruffled my hair. I slapped his arm away. "Do you want to lost an arm?" Harry stopped laughing and stared at me, "Not really."

   "Then don't touch me." Harry put his arm up in surrender, "Alright lighten up." I rolled my eyes and continued walking. "Hey Zyla," said Harry catching up with me again. "What?" I asked stopping and facing him. "You're gonna have to get used to this-interviewers being nosy and asking questions, paparazzi gettting up in your face all the time-it's what happens when you're a celeb."

   "I'm not a celebrity-you guys are!" I argued. "Yeah but you're dad's a member of one of the most famous bands ever." I rolled my eyes.

   "Hey Harry!" We both turned and saw Louis gesturing for us to come towards him, "c'mon we're leaving!" We looked back at each other, "Come on let's go." said Harry walking back I sighed and followed.


Heyyy so what did ya think??



I have a secret language

gtg school timeee! Byeee

Peace out!

-Bellena xoxo

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