Chapter 37

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Bella P.O.V

The door is busted down, men I uniforms from S.W.A.T Team bust in with their guns pointing at us, shouting at us that we have to keep still. Edward ignores their demands, rushing to me, taking me by my arms and pulling me away from the body.

"Both of you, your arms in the air right now!" One of the uniformed men shouts, his gun pointing right at us. "Now!" He shouts.

Edward and I slowly raise our hands. One of the men checks Mike's body, the one who took over the actual killers place, but why? Why would he do such thing?

"He's still alive, they didn't kill him," one of them says. He checks the pockets and takes the paper that k dropped. He shows it to the one who's pointing at me and the another one points to the TV.

"Get them out of here, now!" Says the one that I believe is the boss in this group. Two of them walk to us, dragging us out of my house.

I'm blinded by the lights outside. Cops, cops and more cops are out here. People are out of their homes, looking at the show that's going on. Instead of being taken to a cop car, we're taken to the ambulance. There Clark stands talking to other cops.

"Bella, Edward, what the hell happened?" He asks us, pulling me to the ambulance to get checked up.

Edward starts to explain what happened to Clark. He only listens carefully, nodding at each word Edward speaks. He tells him that Johnson called him to tell him what we found at the office, what he did and where I was. He tells him that he snuck out of the hospital, got a cab and got here as fast as he could, that's when he called him to let him know what was going on. From that point on, I already know what happens. What happened is that he tricked us into believing we had him, when we didn't. He tricked us into hurting someone who's innocent, or probably not. I can't understand what's going on at think moment.

"Ouch!" I cry in pain when the paramedic touches my side. I totally forgot about my injuries, now that I focus on that, it's the worst pain I ever felt. The paramedic apologizes and starts cleaning the blood from my face. I wince every time he touches a fresh cut or bruise.

Edward doesn't let them check him, yet as he continues to talk to Clark. After minutes, probably hours, the paramedics take Mike out of my house, and immediately take him to the hospital.

"Ma'am-" Ma'am? I'm not forty years old, what the hell is he talking about. "-We are going to have to take you to the hospital to get a better view to your injuries."

I shake my head, the last thing I need is the hospital. "No, I'm okay." I attempt to move, but the pain is stronger than my will, so I cry in pain. Calling the attention of Edward and Clark.

"What's wrong?" Edward rushes to me.

"Mister, we have to take the lady-" that's much like it, "-to the hospital, her injuries could be worse," the paramedic explains.

"Bella, we have to take you to the hospital," Edward says. Judging by the tone of his voice I can clearly tell it's not a topic to fight him on. "I'll go with you. Clark, I'll talk to you once I'm sure Bella is okay."

"You go on, son, I'll take care of everything here," he says, walking away from the ambulance.

The ride to the hospital is incredibly slow. Slowly all the adrenaline is starting to leave my body and the pain I was suppose to feel, I'm feeling it now. Edward rubs my back - it could make it worse but instead it makes it a lot better -. I wonder how hurt is he, he did get a good beating from Mike, and fell of the railing of the stairs.

"How hurt are you?" I ask him, looking at his face. His lip is busted, a couple of bruises and his nose is bleeding.

"Physically or emotionality?" He says, pulling my hair away from my face. His comment wasn't something I expected, he probably is hurting either way. "I... I just don't want you to hate me after all this."

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