Chapter 6

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Bella P.O.V

The following week there wasn't much Edward involved. Like he said, better stay away for whatever reason he haves I don't really care. I didn't contact Mike again but that Tuesday he came over and I recognized him as the hot bartender, Alice did me the favor to tell him I gave him the wrong address and I lived somewhere else in Idaho. I tried not to laugh so he won't find me hiding in the kitchen.

Thank God, my brother's don't know a thing about him because it would be like starting World War 3 and it wouldn't be pretty.

Work was easy. Mr. Newton didn't give me more than getting his coffee, doing his schedule, send his emails, and read manuscripts. It could be the best and easiest job I could ever get. Plus, the intern program is going great.

"So, how's your whole anit-Edward schedule going on?" Angela asked during lunch that Friday afternoon.

I take a sip of my latte. "Better than never. I don't know him so it shouldn't bother me at all."

Jessica said, "But, what happened with the whole he's so damn hot thing. I mean, didn't you want to sleep with him?"

I laughed. "Please, I'm not a whore. Though, when he bailed on me last Saturday I did go to a bar and ended up have a one-night stand with a complete strange."

"And you say you're not a whore?" Angela laughed. "Hasn't he messaged or something?"

I take my phone out and take a quick look at our messages. He hasn't messaged since he said, "Fine, I get it." I can't hide the disappointment because at least I wished he at least said hi, but there's nothing. My inbox is empty.

"Nope." I let the phone on the table. "Not a simple hi."

After lunch we head back to the office. I stand there like stone when I see red roses on my desk. I frown and take the card.

I hope you like the roses and stop being mad at me, please? It's driving me crazy. Just like you do. That Mike guy was lucky, I hope I can, too. ;)

Sincerely, Edward.

My jaw drops to the ground when I read the name. Edward? How the hell did he know where I worked? I drive him crazy? That mother fucker is driving me crazy right now, how did he know where I work? Especially, how does he know about Mike?

"Um, Ben?" I ask the mailman who was still here. "I can't take these, can you give them back?"

"Sorry, Bella, I get paid to deliver not to give back," he says.

I frown looking at the note, this is creeping me out a little. I take put my phone and still no message from him or call. I sit back down, looking at the flowers with a frown marked on my face. The wonder of how did he know where I work and that I was involved with a Mike continues to be crossing through my mind.

He wishes to get lucky, too? Does he mean he wants to sleep with me or what? This man just said it would be better to stay away last week, he completely disappeared for the entire week, and now this?

"Bella, send a e-mail to Mr. J.Jenks and tell him the next manuscripts will be sent tomorrow," Mr. Newton says from his office.

"Okay." I get up and throw the flowers in the trash next to my desk. Better not have anything to distract me from work.

~ ~ ~

There was an huge amounts of work today at the office after lunch. I just wanted to go home and sleep, but I didn't until ten at night when only me and Mr. Newton were left.

I parked in my drive way and turned off the engine. It seems like a calm night tonight, most of the lights are off at every house, including Edward's. His car is gone. I get out of my car and just when I'm about to close the door a hand covers my mouth and another I feel a cold metal on my neck.

"Scream, you die," a cracked voice says against my ear.

My blood pressure drops to the ground. My whole body tenses and my breathing stops. I close my eyes and raise my hands in surrender, my chest raises and drops very fast as I try to keep calm.

"Give me your god damn keys, your purse and wallet," he orders taking his hand away. "Hurry up!"

I reach down and take the keys that fell on the ground. The man behind moans and his dirty hand touches my lower back. I close my eyes and beg for someone to come and help me. I give it to him but suddenly he pushes me against the car and presses his erection against my stomach. My eyes open widely as I feel him against me.

"Stop," I say trying to push him away.

"Shut up," he growled.

"Stop! Get off me!" I scream, pushing him away. "Someone help me, please!"

"I told you to shut up!" He pushes me to the ground. I try to crawl away but he grabs my legs and pulls me back to him.

I scream when he opens my legs and lays in between them. God damit, I had to wear a skirt today. His hand covers my mouth so no one will be able to hear my screams. I push back but his way to heavy for me.

"Get off her!" I hear a roar and suddenly the man is gone.

I sit up, trying to catch my breath. Edward is beating the shit of out the robber. My legs don't respond, I can't move. My heart pounds like crazy, my ears buz and there's a burn in my neck. Finally, my legs move and I run to Edward.

"Edward, stop!" I pull him away. He stands up and wipes the blood off his fist.

"Get the fuck out of here before I kill you!" Edward roars.

The robber tries to get on his feet and runs as far as he can. I let out a deep breath and lean in Edward's chest, I can't breath. Shock takes over my body.

"Hey." He takes my face between his hands. "Are you okay?"

I nod, unable to speak. He wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I lay my head in his shoulder, holding him tight. I inhale his clean fresh and ment smell from his shirt. He grabs my puse and my keys and locks my car without letting me go.

"C'mon, you're coming with me," he says, walking across the street to his home.

Author's Note:

So, I would like to know what are your thoughts about my new story, I would really appreciate it. I hope you like it!

January 21, 2015




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