Chapter 18

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Bella P.O.V

After work, the moment I see Edward waiting for me outside the office I run up to his arms and hug him tightly. He hugs me right back. This is the only place I now feel safe, the place I want to be. The only place where his aroma invades my nose, where his warmth makes me feel safe.

"Are you excited to see me?" He chuckled, rubbing my back.

I finally let it out, I start crying my eyes out.

"Bella, what's wrong?" He asked, pulling me away, cupping my face between his hands. "What's wrong, Love?"

"I don't know," I sobbed, "I don't know, Edward... I'm scared." I hug him tightly. I sob against his chest, he squeezed back.

"Scared of what? Bella, what's going wrong?" He asked pulling me away.

I sniffed. "This morning when I went to jog... I felt, like, someone was there. Like, like, someone was out there following me. Then today, Mr. Newton received an anonymous note that, that said that I was a danger for his life... That I'll ruin him! Then someone wrote on, on my computer that if I don't leave him, I'll have to deal with the, the consequences."

"Leave who?"

"I don't know, Edward, I don't know what whoever that is, is talking about," I sobbed. "Who, who is doing this? What... is this a joke or is someone trying to play with my mind? What is this?!" I yell.

Edward's arms wrap around me. He takes me right to the car and starts heading back to my house. Instead of parking in front of my house, he parks in front of his old house. He opens the door for me and drags me out to the house.

He slammed the door behind him and sits me on the black leather couch.

"What are you doing?" I asked, looking how he takes a picture down that reveals a lock. He types in some numbers and reveals a large amount of money and a black box. He takes the black box out and places it on the table. He takes a gun out and does some weird shit with it then places it behind his belt on his back and covers it with his shirt.

"Why do you have a gun?" I stand up.

"Stay there," he says, taking his phone out. He dials a number and calls. "Anderson, I need you to check the security cameras from Forever Publishing. Check who other than Bella, touched her computer."


Edward hanged up and walk towards me.

"Who was that? Why do you have a gun?" I asked, my voice shaking as much as my body is.

"Bella, I need you to stay calm. I'm going to protect you, no matter what-"

"What's going on?" I cried.

"Bella, I'm going to protect you," he cups my face in between his hands, "Nothing is going to happen to you as long as you stay with me."

"What's going on, Edward? Who is that?" I cry.

"I don't know, Bella. Call your brother's, tell them to secure their house, close the doors. Tell them to call me if anything unusual happens or someone who is near their property," he says, taking my phone out of my purse. "Call them, now."

I take the phone with shaking hands. I shake my head, crying. I don't know what's going on, I don't who's that person who sent the note, who wrote it on my computer.

"Hello?" Jasper answered.

"J-J-Jasper," I say with a cracked voice.

"What's going on?" He asked, worried. "Bella?"

"I need you to secure your house, keep Alice in. If anyone you see anyone who you don't know, who looks suspicious please, please call Edward."

"Secure my house? Bella, what the fuck is going on?!"

"Give me the phone." Edward takes it. "Jasper."


"No, there's no time for questions right now, okay. I need you to call Emmett, tell him the same thing, once I call you and tell you everything is alright I'll explain it. Keep your wife safe. Tell Emmett the same."


"She's with me," he said.


"I promise that I'm protecting her." Edward's eyes meets with mine. "I will protect her more than anything."

He nods then hangs up. He looks at me for a brief second and says, "I'll make sure you're safe."

"Do you know who that person could possibly be?"

He shakes his head. "No, but like I said, Bella: I'm not taking any chances." He stands up and takes my hand. "You're staying at my place tonight."

I nod. He takes my bag and takes me outside.

The entire ride to his apartment is silent, but he never lets go of my hand. He holds it as tight as he cans, driving with his free. Trying to control my shaking body, my pounding heart, my sweaty palms, I take deep breaths. Slowly in, slowly out.

It's hard to believe that someone thinks I'm a risk. How could I harm someone? I would never do such thing. Who am I to stay away from? For a second, a small part of my brain tells me it's Edward, to stay away from him. The other says that I'm way too scared right now and I should probably just relax.

Could Edward be a risk? No, he can't. He said there was no more secrets, they can't be anymore.

That night, he took care of me as if I was a fragile glass. He showered me, changed me, fed me and put me in bed like a baby.

He cuddled in bed right next to me, giving me warmth and that feeling of safety. He can't be danger, how can a God like him be danger? How can my Adonis be danger? He takes care of me, he promised to protect me, he doesn't want to lose me and a part of me knows that I don't want to let go either.

Laying in bed, between his strong arms makes me feel like he can protect me from anything. The world could be ending around us, but I wouldn't care because I'm in the safety of his arms.

Looking at his eyes as he looks back, causing me that same tickling feeling on my back, butterflies in my stomach and my heart racing as much as I can feel his heart racing underneath my hand, I know what I want. I know what I feel. With this man, I'll be safe. With him, I'll be complete. With his arrogant humor, his two choices and possessive attitude, I know that I want to wake up every morning to see his green eyes.

I know that I'm in love with Edward Cullen. The man who at the beginning was my arrogant, stalking mechanic. Now, he's my future CEO, arrogant, possessive, kind and caring Edward Cullen. The man who I fell in love with.

March 8, 2015




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