Chapter 2

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Bella P.O.V

I bend over, resting my hands on my thighs trying to catch my breath. My sweat drops on my hands and run down. I close my eyes and breath in deeply and then exhale. Haunted by Beyoncé sounds on the background as I concentrate on catching my breath.

Once I'm sure I can continue my way back home I bump into someone. I look up and find a pair of amazing green eyes. My breath goes away and I feel a naught in my throat, it's my front neighbor. He's taller than what I thought, his hair is bronze and messy; his lips are fuller; he's muscular and even more with that white, dirty shirt.

"I'm sorry," he says, his voice is deep, causing chills down my spine. "I wasn't watching where I was going."

Speak! Yelled my subconscious.

"Um, it's okay," I said, "I wasn't watching either."

Damn it, I'm all dirty and sweaty. My hair must be a mess. Well, he's dirty, too, but just looks so much better. I bite my lip, looking around and find myself with my house just across the street.

Say something, Bella.

"I'm Bella, I live just across the street."

"I'm Edward, I live here," he points to his house. "No wonder I figured I saw you before. Do you jog every morning?"

Of course, I do.

"Yes, every morning before work," I smiled. "Um, I gotta go, my family will be coming over in a few hours... Bye."

I start walking away, crossing the street. After a hard and stressful first week at work, today on my first day off I talked to the hot guy right across the street. I smile and stop right at my porch, I wonder if he's still there. I turn around and see him standing there, watching me.

I blush and wave goodbye.

Today my brother's and their wives are coming today. A family BBQ. My brother Jasper and his wife Alice just came back from Australia, they're all about traveling, enjoying a life with no kids. Last year they went on a cruise ship around Europe. I missed him and my best friend very much.

What had me wondering, how the hell did both my brother's manage to marry both my best friends? And, I'm still single. Not that I complain, I'm liking my single life.

"Bella!" Alice ran in my front door. She's a pixie now. Her hair used to be long and flawless, now it's really short and pointing everywhere. "I missed you."

I hug her back, "I missed you, too, Ali," I chuckled hugging her back. "How was the trip?"

"Amazing." Simple word for every trip. Every time you ask them the answer is simple, amazing.

"And where's my spoiled little brat?" Jasper sneak in with his arms wide open. His blond hair is messy and he's gotten big. "Come on here, princess!"

I smiled running to his arms and hugged him tightly. Yeah, I am spoiled by my big brothers ever since our parents died. It's normal for me because my brother's are the best. Jasper kisses my face a bunch of times.

He pulls away, not letting me go and says, "Did you find a job?"


"Is it a good job?"



"Young and handsome."

"Has he tried a move on you?"

I shake my head.

"What if he does?"

"He'll get hurt."

"On the balls?"

"Most probably."

"Break up?"

"Dumped him."


"Kicked him in the balls."

He smiled. "Drunk?"

"Not yet."

"One night stand?"

"Not yet."

"Have you met a new guy?"


"Do you love your big brother?"

"Very much," I kissed his cheek.

Emmett, Rosalie and Ava walk in. Ava is such a adorable little ball of meat. She has blushed chubby cheeks, blond with blue eyes. She is the exactly same replica of my brother just with blond hair and blue eyes, those are her mothers.

"Okay," Emmett says, "who's ready for a BBQ?"

"We are!" We all say and head to my front yard.

I love days like these. Emmett cooking the meat with a vest that read "kiss the chef." Jasper helping. Me and the girls sitting on the table chatting like old times and with a new addition to our little gossip group, Ava. I really did wish my parents were to be here and see where we ended up at. No one has ended on drugs or alcohol. We all have the life's we planned out.

The guys kept cooking and we kept chatting until Alice started giggling looking at me while I held Ava and then straight ahead. Is she high?

"What?" Rosalie asked her.

Alice whispered, "Bella, you do realize your front neighbor won't stop looking at you."

Oh, God.

Suddenly, my temperature drops as well as my heart beat. I slowly turn my head straight to his house. My heart starts pounding like crazy when I see bending over his motor, looking straight at me. I stare back, God he's so god damn hot. He has a grey t-shirt, clean for once. Blue jeans

He gives me a crooked grin and with his head he makes a move gesturing me to come over.

Oh, God. He wants me to come over!

January 3, 2014




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