Chapter 39

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Bella P.O.V

They let me leave this morning with the order that if anything hurts or I'm found in a lot of pain to come right back for check up.

Edward didn't show up that night. He didn't call, he didn't text. His parents never came to say anything about him... It was like he was just gone. I try not to make a big deal out of it, I mean, I asked him for time. It's probably the best, I can take advantage of this but his words make me doubt it. There's no time.

I lay back on the seat, looking out the window as Emmett drives me home, or what's left of it. The police said it was caused, by who? No idea. The only thing they're sure of it's that any sort of evidence they had is now gone.

Emmett stops the car in what used to be my drive way. I sigh, looking up. The yellow tape is all around the ruins of the house, but that's not what hit me. The sight of my house, it's all gone. What used to be my two story, dream house, the house where I was beginning to build my life in is now ashes to the ground.

A small cry escapes me as I get out of the car. The stupid neckband they forced me into makes my movement even harder. I walk toward the house as far as the tape permits me. Tears slowly run down my cheeks nonstop.

"Bella." I jump when Emmett places his hand on my shoulder. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks.

I nod, wiping my nose. "Yes." I bend down and cross under the yellow tape.

Jasper will be here in any moment, he said so on the phone when we talked on the phone this morning. My brothers are concerned, very concerned about me and my well being. I tried to convince them that everything was okay, but they still have their doubts.

I walk across the path to what used to be the porch. I let out a sad chuckle when the memory of the day I saw Edward, that day I was standing here stretching, getting ready for my run when the sight of him caught my eye. He was sweating, all covered in grease and dirt while fixing his car. That day was the first day we both made eye contract, the first time I saw his eyes. He smiled at me, waving his hand onced and turned away.

The first time... And the last time I saw him he turned away, just like the first day.

I walk over the ruins. Stepping on broken glass, I notice the picture. I frown, with shaking hands picking the picture that's in almost perfect condition. It's me, but the person I was with has been perfectly cut out of the picture. Suddenly I realize what picture it is, it was a picture Edward took when we were all La Bella Villa. He's cut out.

Edward, he's cut out of the picture. Cut out of the picture... Cut...

"Cut," I whisper, tracing the edges of the pictures. "Cut out," I say, again.

I turn when another car parks. It's Jasper, I don't even have to turn and look to know it's him. I rip the picture in half, then in another half and another until it's as small as confetti. I let the pieces slowly slip through my fingers, to the ashes.

I walk around, looking down at my feet, watching how I step on every memory I have of this house. The first time I saw Edward, the missed date, the confusion, the love, the passion, the pain... The pain. I hate this house, I hate this neighborhood, I hate all of this. This place has caused me pain. I was almost killed here, Edward was almost killed here. I want nothing to do with this.

I turn over my heels, my brothers watching my every move and walk back to their car. Emmett gives me a weird look and says, "Mitchell says that he can build this place back up again. It will take time and money but-"

"No," I snap.


"I don't want the house to be rebuild, I don't want anything to do with it." I bend down, crossing the yellow tape again. "They can sell the land, build whatever they want on it, I don't want it anymore."

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