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Emma POV:

7 years, it's been 7 years since the day I left Storybrooke with Killian. Our life here is pretty good. Killian is the assistant manager at the restaurant the Jolly Roger and is doing very well. Henry and Grace moved out when they turned 19, they are 22 now and living happily in an apartment about 30 minutes away from our house. My life was a typical life for a mom living in New York.

I woke up this morning to my alarm, 7:00 Killian and I got up and went downstairs he started to make breakfast for the kids while I packed their lunches and backpacks. Then I went up to their rooms I got Ava and Liam up they are 7 and heading into 2nd grade. Then I got James up he is 5 and starting his first day of kindergarten. Next I woke up Elizabeth she is 3 and goes to morning preschool at the elementary school the rest of them go to. They all went downstairs

"Hi daddy!" They all said in unison

"Hello babies come sit and eat"

Killian still called them his babies even though they are not that little anymore, well at least Eva and Liam are not that little. We fed them breakfast then got them in the car so Killian could take them to school on his way to work. I got them in the car and said goodbye to my little children and went upstairs to wake up my 5th child my little 1 year old boy Elliot. I got him up and fed him. Then I put him in his stroller and we took a morning walk around the neighborhood. We were quite friendly with the neighbors especially our next door neighbors John and Katherine. They have a 8 year old boy Toby and 4 year old girl Daphne, they are expecting a new baby in about 4 months. The kids all get along great and it's nice to have some friends for a change. Killian has made another good friend Marco who is the manager of the restaurant. They are like brothers and it is so nice to see Killian really bond with someone else besides me of course. His restaurant business was going wonderfully, they finally got on the cover of the Fine Cooking Magazine. Tonight they are having a celebration at the restaurant and many important food people are coming. I'm so excited that he is doing well. The kids and I get to come to this party tonight, and they love the restaurant. They think it is so cool to watch their daddy work and that is adorable to me. I spent the most of my day doing house work and finishing a case I was working on. I have still managed to do a couple of jobs around New York when I could get a chance. At 12:30 I went to the school to pick up Elizabeth, I brought her home and put her and Elliot down for a nap. They needed sleep so they wouldn't be crying tonight. At 3:30 I hear my loving husband and kids coming home.

"Hey guys how was school"

Liam "hi mom, today was awesome we made light bulbs light up in science today!"

"Awesome kid, how about you Eva"

Eva "well I did that too but we got to do a writing assignment today in English, I wrote about the power of telling when someone is lying because you told me that I'm good at it"

"Yes honey you are, can I read the paper?"

Eva "of course as soon as I get it back"

"Alright honey, Liam go to your room and do homework, Eva do it in the kitchen so you don't wake up your sister"

Eva and Liam " yes mom"

"And how about you James, come sit in the couch let's talk about the first day of kindergarten!"

James "it was fun mama! We got to name our letters in front of the class and when we got it right we got a prize!"

"Great kid!"

James " and the teacher likes me! She said I was a good student"

"That's awesome Jamie! Now go play with your toys in the basement Liam is doing homework in your room"

James" yes mama"

I kissed his blonde head of hair and he ran off downstairs, Killian walked into the living room and sat down next to me. He kissed my head

"Hello love how was your day"

"Well it was pretty good, Elliot spent most of the day playing"

"And how are you feeling!"

He patted my stomach. We found out last week that I am expecting another baby, a 6th child. We were not trying to have another baby, we just a fun night in a hotel and then here we go again. We really only planned to have 4 children, Killian claims he forgot to put a condom on when we got pregnant with Elliot but I know he wanted another baby. For some reason he has always wanted a big family which I find sweet, so it didn't bug me and plus I noticed before anything happened so it wasn't like I didn't have the chance to stop him.

"So Killian are you ready for tonight"

"This is going to be an amazing night! They are interviewing Marco and I"

"That's great babe I can't wait to come"

"Well it's almost 4 so we have an hour we should start getting the kids ready"

We woke up Elliot and Lizzie. I got Elliot in jeans and a little polo shirt. I put Elizabeth in a pretty green dress and braided her hair, Eva put on a blue dress that really brought out her eyes. The boys put on jeans and polos. I put on a nice black dress and Killian had a collared shirt and dark red tie on. We left the house at 5:15 to get to the restaurant, it takes us about 15 minutes to walk from our house to the strip mall where the Jolly Roger is. Once we got their the parking lot was so full, We walked through the doors to the open dining room. The walls were a light red and a yellow tile floor the white tables and black chairs were all set up for tonight's dinner. Killian went into the kitchen with Marco while me and the kids sat at a table in the back. We got some food and ate a wonderful meal. The kids hung out in the restaurant while I watched Killian enjoying his night. He got interviewed by food network, he was having the time of his life. After about 3 hours the evening was over and we got ready to go home. Marco was going to stay later at the restaurant for any other customers coming in while we headed home. I put Elliot in the stroller and Killian held Lizzie on his hip. Eva walked with me by the stroller while Liam and James walked a little bit ahead of us. Right before we got to the edge of the sidewalk I stop and stare ahead of me like a deer in headlights. I cannot believe what I am seeing. Killian stops and looks at me

"Love what's going on?"

I point across the street, about five feet ahead of me I see someone



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