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Emma POV:


We cross the street and sure enough my parents are standing right there.
I just stare my mother in the eyes for a few seconds before she pulls me into a hug along with my dad.

Eva "mommy who are these people"

Emma "um honey I will explain later, Killian can you take the kids home I will meet you there"

Killian "are you sure love because we can stay and talk"

Emma "I'm sure I will come back soon"

I turned to my parents kind of speechless I didn't know what to say.

"Mom how did you find me"

"Emma it's a long story"

We stood in silence for a little bit then we exchanged some small talk until I just had to know what was really happening here.

"mom I want to know everything that has happened  I haven't seen you in 7 years! Just lay it out for me. "

"Ok Emma, we didn't escape the curse we went back to the enchanted forest along with Jefferson and everyone else. We tried to live a normal life for a while and we had another baby"

"You did!"

"Yes Emma we had a baby girl named Molly"

"Wow mom that's great"

"Yes and so we ruled the kingdom and Regina lived happily with Robin. But she did miss Henry a lot so she worked on a way to get back to this land. After many many years she figured it out however she won't tell me how. She wants to talk to you about it because she figured out a way for you to break the curse."

"Didn't I already do that?"

"No Emma to completely destroy the dark curse she needs your help"

"So that's why you came back, so I could destroy the curse"

"No Emma it's because we love you"

They hugged me, hopefully they meant what they said.

"So mom dad why don't you come back to my house and we can talk"

I walked them back to my house, we didn't talk on the way. I was still wrapping my head around the situation. I can't believe they had another baby girl and they didn't mention them trying to find me. Sometimes I feel forgotten by them but I know they love me. at least now I have my own family who loves me. As soon as we got home I went inside and saw Killian sitting in the kitchen. We all sat down.

"Emma I put the kids to bed"

"Thanks babe, so guys what should we do now"

David "Emma you need to come back to Storybrooke"

"Dad I can't just leave my life here"

"Emma you belong in Storybrooke"

"But I have a great life here dad"

Killian "Emma love we have to go back you know ,and that's what we originally planned"

" I know Killian but how do we tell the kids"

Snow " Emma just tell them that you are moving"

Killian "Emma what are you really worried about"

"We kind of omitted something from our children's lives"

"What love"

"The fact that their grandparents are Snow White and Prince Charming and that magic is real and I have it! And the fact that magic always comes with a price so I don't want to endanger them"

Snow "Emma you don't have to worry you and your children will be fine and they looked young they will understand"

David "where is Henry"

Emma " he is at his house"

David "he had his own house"

Emma "well he is 22 and living with his girlfriend Grace in their own apartment"

Snow "is he really that old!"

Emma "yes mom he is"

Snow " Emma we never got to meet your twins you know or any of your kids"

Emma " sorry mom, how about you meet here for breakfast tomorrow morning and we can all talk. I will invite Henry as well. We can get this whole situation sorted out"

We said our goodbyes and they said they will come at 9 tomorrow. I went upstairs and got into bed with Killian. My mind was racing, how was I going to move back to Storybrooke with magic and the one thing I didn't tell them is I am concerned my kids might have magic. Also the fact that I'm one month pregnant and only Killian knows. What am I going to do and how am I going to explain that magic is real. They have watched the Disney movies thousands of time, I have even taken them to Disney land to meet Snow White and now they were going to figure out she was their grandmother. Some of them might believe it but I'm pretty sure that Eva and Liam won't. Also I haven't used magic in a long time what if it someone try's to take advantage of it. I texted Henry and told him to come for breakfast tomorrow. I pulled the covers over me and rested my head on my pillow.

"Emma love"

"What Killian"

"I can see your mind racing"

"I know it's just"

I broke out sobbing I couldn't contain what I was feeling anymore and quite frankly I didn't know how to describe my emotions. I just cried and Killian wrapped his arms around me. He rubbed my back and head to calm me.

"Emma it's going to be ok we will figure this out. Your parents love you and everything will work out. The kids will be happy and we get to go back to the first place you called home"

I smiled and fell asleep in his arms. Hopefully tomorrow morning will work out.

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