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Emma pov:

I didn't sleep very well last night all I could think about was the bad things that happened in Storybrooke. I know that today I have to tell the kids we are moving. At 7 I got out of bed I knew the kids would be up in about half an hour. Once everyone was up I sat them all down on the couch.

Liam "mom why are you being so secretive just tell us what's up"

"Ok kid, we are moving"

Elizabeth "why are we moving mommy?"

"We are moving back to the place where Eva and Liam were born"

James "but why mommy"

"Because the place is beautiful and I love it there"

Eva "well what about our friends mom"

" Honey you are going to meet so many new people and friends it will be worth it"

Elizabeth "but what about our house, where will we live"

"There is another house we can move into. Don't worry our life will be magical their"

Liam "when are we moving mommy"

"Well when our surprise guest gets here we will decide on that"

Eva "so who is this guest"

"Well how about we all set the table and get breakfast ready and they will be here soon, also Henry and Grace are coming"

Kids " yea!"

They love when Henry and Grace come by they always have so much fun together. We got breakfast all ready and then I heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door and saw my parents. They had two children with them.

Snow "hi Emma"

"Hi guys please come in"

Snow "Neal, Molly this is Emma"

"Hi Neal and Molly"

Neal hugged me and I hugged him back

Neal "I have heard so much about you Emma, you are my older sister"

"You're right kid I am"

Then we pulled Molly into our hug

"Hi Molly I'm your sister Emma"

Molly "I know who you are, i love you"

"I love you to kid"

We broke the hug and my parents eyes were welled with tears.

"Ok well how about you meet my family now, Kids please come in here"

Killian walked in carrying Elliot and the rest followed.

" guys these are our surprise guests, you grandmother, grandfather and cousins Neal and Molly"

Snow and David "hi guys"

"And this is Eva, Liam, James, Elizabeth and Elliot and my husband Killian"

Liam "so they are our cousins?"

" yes honey"

Eva "if they are our grandparents then who's parents are they"

"They are my parents Eva, now how about you go downstairs and play with your cousins"

Elizabeth "come on Molly lets go watch my favorite movie ever!"

Liam "Neal we can watch my favorite movie to"

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