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Emma pov:

I woke up this morning laying next to my husband in a beautiful house in Storybrooke.

"Good morning Killian"

I kissed him until he woke up

"Emma love what time is it"

"Honey it's 7:00 the kids get up early for some reason"

"Relax Emma they will grow out of it and sleep until noon just like you do"

"Hey you like to sleep in also"

"Emma my sleeping in is only until 8 not 12"

"Well I hear little feet downstairs I'm getting up you can sleep until 8"

"No love I'm up, you go change Elliot and I will make breakfast"

"Really I get to go change the diaper"

"Would you rather make breakfast"

"I guess you're right, and maybe we should try potty training him it's about the time we did for the others"

"Yes we will try next weekend, it's already Sunday"

"So the kids start school here tomorrow"

"Emma don't worry they will be fine but we get to have the magic talk this morning"

"Why can't they learn this in school like the other talk"

"Emma come on we can do this"

We went downstairs and Killian made breakfast while I played with the kids in the living room. They were really enjoying this new house. I called Henry and asked him to bring me the book but he had a better idea. He wanted me to magically transport it onto the table when we were talking. I told him that he was crazy because I haven't used magic in a while and Regina said I shouldn't use magic when I'm pregnant unless I have total control. But he insisted that I did so I agreed. We all sat down at the table and ate a nice breakfast, then I started talking.

"So guys mommy and daddy have something to tell you"

Elizabeth "are you having another baby"

"Honey that's not it, we need to talk to you about this town"

Eva "what about it mom?"

"It's magic"

James "awesome!"

Liam "sure mom"

"No kid I'm serious it won't make sense but this might"

I made the book appear on the table

Elliot "what was that mummy"

"That was magic honey"

Liam "magic?"

Killian "come on kids lets go sit on the couch and I will read you this story"

Killian read them the story and they seemed to find it very interesting. Of course he only read the part about Snow White and Prince Charming.

Elizabeth "mommy your name is Emma, just like the baby"

"Honey I am the baby in that story"

James "so you broke the curse here"

"Yes honey I did"

Eva "mom this can't be true I mean it doesn't make sense"

Liam. "So your parents are Snow White and Prince Charming"

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