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Emma pov:

Four months later

We have been living in this town for quite some time. Things were working out. The kids loved to learn magic and Killian liked to teach sailing to James when they were practicing. Belle has been living with us and it's really nice. The kids get along great and they love her. Also Belle is kind of like my new best friend. We really do have a lot in common and it's nice to have another girl to talk to besides Regina and my mom. Speaking of Regina she had her twins three days ago. She had two little boys who they named Sean and Colin. I however was 6 months and miserable, all of my pregnancies before haven't been bad but for someone reason I just felt gross. Regina, the kids and I haven't found a way to break the curse yet but still we keep looking. Henry and Grace had a wedding ceremony last week which was wonderful. They were happily married and living in an apartment. Grace was 8 months pregnant with that mothers glow. Her father still wasn't so much for the idea of her having a baby but really they were over 20 so it doesn't matter. Plus Henry and Grace were so happy I knew they would make great parents. I cried at their wedding along with Regina we used our pregnancy as an excuse because no one has ever seen us cry in public. Anyway my parents were happy that I was back especially my mom. We liked to have lunch occasionally to make sure that I didn't get caught up in my busy life of mothering and forget about my parents. Today my mom was coming over for lunch while my dad and husband take the kids sailing. I didn't like to sail while I was pregnant and I wouldn't let Killian take all the kids alone because they were a handful so my dad liked to go with him. Belle took her children over to Rubys for lunch. Since our house was very big we usually got stuck having people over. We didn't go over to my parents as much anymore they liked to come to my home which honestly was easier for me. Today My mom and I were sitting and eating lunch at the kitchen table talking about the children. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

"Oh my gosh"

"Emma! Are you ok"

"Yea I think it's just braxton hicks contractions"

"But you are only 6 months"

"Gosh no this is a weird pain, I have no idea what this is, I feel like my guts are twisted and my stomach is going to explode. Ahhh ohh gosh"

Snow pov:

I am sitting here having lunch with my daughter when she grabs her stomach in so much pain. She assures me it's nothing but then she screams. I see blood running down her pant leg and she is crying in pain. I immediately call 911 and they send an ambulance. She looks and me hurled over in pain with tears in her eyes and says

"Mommy please help" in a slight whisper, this is the most venerable I have ever seen her. 

Then she passed out. I freaked out I run to her side and make sure she is breathing which she is. Then the ambulance arrives. They carry her out and I call Killian. It takes three calls but he picks up. I knew they were busy having fun.

"Hello snow? What's up"

"Umm Killian you need to hurry back now, Emma is in the hospital she was in pain and bleeding and she passed out" my voice sounded breathy and panicky, I was trying to hold back my tears.

But then I started sobbing and I could hear Killian panicking  on the phone. When we arrived to the hospital they took Emma into immediate surgery. They told me I had to wait in the waiting room. About 30 minutes later Killian arrived in the hospital panicking he ran to the desk and demanded to see Emma but they wouldn't let him. He came and sat with me and we just waited in silence. What was wrong with Emma.

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