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Emma pov:

I was now 8 months pregnant a week before my due date. We decided not to tell anyone that we were having a girl so it would be a surprise but Killian and I painted and set up her room. We still haven't decided on a name but we narrowed it down to two. We figured we would decide when we saw her. I was feeling a lot better and I officially became a grandmother. Henry and Grace had a little baby boy who they named Raymond. It was weird that I was a grandmother but I liked it just the same. What was weirder was that my parents were now great grandparents. After my incident in the hospital I was forced to stay in the house, it was hard for Killian to keep me inside but he did a good job. I did not like to be still but I needed to make sure that the baby wouldn't be hurt or hurt me. Today though we were going to go to Regina's to see the kids magic show sort of thing. They wanted to show us somethings they learned. So we went over to Regina's and watched them do magic which was cute. I was worried they would be better than me one day and I wouldn't be able to help them control their powers but Regina assured me that my magic is stronger but maybe not as strong as this baby's. After they moved some things around and poofed things in the room the men decided to take the kids out to lunch at granny's. Regina needed to stay home with the twins and I wasn't up for going. We sat on the couch and I held a baby while she nursed the other. We talked for a little while about Henry and other things. Apparently Roland now has a girlfriend and Regina wasn't to happy about it. We were just talking until a bright white flash went through the town. Regina and I looked at eachother with concerned looks and then I felt something

"Emma what's wrong"

"My water just broke"

"Umm ok don't panic just breath"

"I know what to do Regina"

"I'm just trying to help Emma"

"Regina just call Killian please"

About 10 minutes later Killian showed up and drove me to the hospital.

"Love did you see that flash"

"Killian let's not worry about that now please my contractions are 7 minutes apart"

"Ok love we are almost here"

We drove to the hospital and made it there pretty quickly. I got into the room and they ran an epidural through my Iv I was in a lot of pain. This was extremely painful compared to my other child births. Killian called Belle and asked her to bring the kids from Regina's to the hospital. He also called my mom to tell her that I was in labor. After about 20 minutes I was told to start pushing. Then Regina burst through the door

"Emma it's the baby it's the key this is happening now!"

"Regina get out I'm a little busy right now, ahh!!"

"Emma I'm leaving just remember what I said"

I couldn't focus on what she said I was pushing a baby out of me! then the town flashed again. I saw the baby's head and she came out and I was overcome with relief and love. They cut the cord and handed her to me. I turned to look at Killian then the world went white.

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