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Killian pov:

I sat in the hospital waiting room for 2 hours. Until a nurse came out and called for the family of Emma Swan. I really wish people would learn her new last name. Anyway I got up and went to the doctor he brought me to doctor whale who was standing outside of Emma's room.

"Whale what is wrong with my wife"

"Hook she has a rare condition, well actually I have never seen it before"

"Whale just tell me what is wrong"

"The baby hurt her"


"I asked blue and the baby has magical powers and somehow the baby hurt her"

"Is she ok, bloody hell tell me what happened"

"The baby burst her Fallopian tube"

"What! "

"Don't worry she is stable but still unconscious, however she will not be able to have anymore children"

"What about the baby"

"We almost lost her but don't worry the baby is fine"

"Can I see her"

"Of course"

I walked in to the room where Emma was laying on the bed with oxygen tubes in her nose. She looked pale and her hair was tangled next to her face. I ran my hand over her cheek and kissed her forehead. I sat on the chair next to her and called Belle. I told her what happened and she went home to watch the kids. David came to the hospital with the kids to join Snow. They  visited Emma for half an hour and then they went home. I told Belle to bring the kids by. They came and walked into the room with tears in their eyes.

Belle "ok guys come on let's just hold mommys hand"

The kids just stood with Emma

Elliot "daddy what's wrong with mommy, why won't she wake up"

My heart melted

"Baby it's ok she will wake up soon, just umm sit down and tell mommy about your day she can still hear you"

They all started talking to Emma and I almost couldn't contain my cries. Belle pulled me into the hallway and I cried into her shoulder. She comforted me.

"Killian everything is going to be ok"

"I can't loose her Belle I just can't"

"Hey the doctor said she will be fine"

"But the baby hurt her, it could easily do that again"

"Well then let's go see Regina or the faired and we can get her help"

"What if she doesn't wake up, will the baby survive, will I be alone with the kids, will I die from grief of loosing her"

"Killian Stop! You need to stop talking like this now come on and be as strong as Emma"

"Belle I just can't loose the love of my life"

"How about I take the kids home and you can ask Regina or Blue to come to talk to you"

"Ok Belle thank you, you really are a true friend"

The kids went home and I called Regina. But she just had her kids so she couldn't come by but she asked me to call of anything happens. So I called blue who agreed to come down again. She told me that she didn't know how to stop the baby from using magic but she assured me that she could stop it if it happened again. I stayed with Emma so I pulled my chair close and grabbed her hand,  laid my head back and fell asleep. At about 3:00am I felt a squeeze I opened my eyes and Emma was looking at me grabbing my hand.

"Hi Killian"


I kissed her very gently and sweetly until she pulled away.

"Baby don't worry I'm ok"

"Emma I love you"

"I do to, stop worrying about me ok. I could see your stress and panic while you were sleeping"

"Alright love but I almost lost you"

"Killian what happened"

I filled her in and she cried a little bit but I sat down with her on the bed and hugged her. We stayed like this for an hour until Dr. whale came in. He talked to us a bit and said Emma could go home in a couple of hours but she had to stay in the house and not do too much. So we hung out in the hospital while they ran last minute tests.

"Emma honey I know something"


"I found out the gender of the baby"

"Killian we agreed to a surprise"

"I know but Whale slipped up and accidentally said something, should I tell you"

"I'm dying to know Killian, and it's our last child ever"

"Hey babe don't be upset we have enough children"

"I know but it's just the fact that I can't have children anymore, what if we get sucked in a time portal and I can't have kids again so we live alone"

"Emma stop it, can I tell you now"

"Yes yes sorry tell me"

"Are you really sure you want to know"

"Well I can't live knowing that you know and I don't. I like to know things"

"I know baby"

"Now come on tell me"

"It's a girl"


"Yes honey"

She pulled me into a kiss.

"Killian I was hoping for a girl"

"Me too baby"

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