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Emma pov:

At 4:30 I started to get everyone ready for dinner. Knowing my mom we wouldn't be eating alone so I got the kids looking a little nicer. It only takes 5 minutes to drive to Granny's,  I'm excited to show the kids the diner considering it's almost the only place to eat around here. I got everyone in the car to leave. I still didn't feel that well but I couldn't decline dinner. We drove up to the restaurant and parked, I saw my bug parked there with many other cars. We all walked inside and we were greeted with


By almost the whole town. My mom had gotten everyone to come. I saw Henry and Grace sitting at a table with Jefferson hopefully their relationship was better. Everyone I knew was at this party. Ruby with a man and baby, Belle alone with a toddler and baby, Granny, Marco, August,Regina and Robin. I ran over and hugged August. We talked for a minute I really missed him. We all went around and I introduced the kids to everyone, it took awhile. Than we sat down at a table and my parents joined us.

Snow "so guys what do think, everyone came here to meet you"

Elizabeth "you're Snow White!"

Snow "yes sweetie I am but remember I'm your grandma."

James "mommy just told us"

Snow "so do you know who everyone is here then"

Elizabeth "we only read the first part of the story"

Killian "we will explain the rest of the town later"

Emma "thank you for having us here mom"

David "you guys should come by our house sometime"

Emma "actually mom you should come check out this mansion Regina gave us"

Snow "we would love to"

We spent some time at the party talking to everyone and catching up. Killian and Belle are going to go to lunch tomorrow to discuss some things since they were best friends and my parents are going to come over. He doesn't want to leave me home alone with the kids while I'm feeling sick. I talked to Regina and we figured that the kids would go to Regina's vault after school for an hour everyday so they could learn magic. I would bring them by along with Elliot and Elizabeth and take James home. Regina also told me something very exciting, the Jolly Roger was here. I was going to tell Killian tomorrow after we dropped the kids off at school. We stayed at granny's pretty late so when we got home everyone went straight to bed. I however didn't sleep, I threw up all night. being 2 months pregnant was not my favorite thing. At about 7 I heard my alarm go off and I got up to get the kids ready but Killian stopped me.

"Emma love I know you were up all night go lay down I can get the kids ready."

"Thank you but please come get me when we take them I need to be their for their first day"

"Well just allow me to make them breakfast and get them dressed then you can come and help"

"Ok thank you"

I kissed him and laid down I fell asleep for about 45 minutes. I was woken up by a little boy.

Elliot "hi momma!"

"Hi sweetie"

I kissed his head and picked him up. I carried him downstairs where everyone was eating. I made sure everyone was ready and we got in the car to leave at 8:00, their school was from 8:30-3:00 but Elizabeth's preschool ended at 12:00. Elliot isn't old enough to go to school yet which I don't mind. We reached the school and we all walked inside. I made sure they reached their classes, Killian practically had to drag me out of the building. It was very hard for me to leave them in a school which I knew nothing about. But we drove home with Elliot singing in the car, he loved time to just be with his parents. Right before we pulled into our driveway I stopped the car.

"Emma what are you doing."

"I have a surprise for you"

We got out of the car and walked to the docks. I stopped right in front of the Jolly Roger. He nearly blacked out looking at his ship


It's so cute how speechless he was, a captain will always love his ship

"Regina told me about it, and it's all yours no one else has taken it over"

He kissed me quite passionately

"Hey hey hey little kid right here"

"Can we go on the ship then love"

"Of course Captain lets go"

We walked up to the ship I put Elliot down and he sat to play with the telescope.

"Hey Emma do you remember what happened the last time we were on this ship"

"I believe you proposed"

"Oh yea I was thinking about the time Liam and Eva were conceived "

"Dirty captain, very dirty"

"Sorry love"

He smiled at me and kissed my head.

"How are you feeling love"

"Like I can't keep any food down"

"I'm so sorry baby but it's worth it"

"Thank you but I know, anyway I need to go talk to Henry, maybe tonight we can bring the kids on the boat and go sailing"

"That sounds wonderful love, go talk to Henry, I'll watch Elliot and pick up Lizzie from preschool"

I got off the ship and transported to Jeffersons mansion. My magic was getting a lot better, I now had total control meaning it wouldn't be unpredictable during my pregnancy. I got to the door and knocked, Jefferson answered.

"Hello Emma it's been a long time"

"Yes Jefferson it has, may I see Henry"

"He and Grace have been upstairs arguing since last night but please come in I will tell them you are here"

I sit down on the couch and remember what happened to me here last time, I know he had good intentions but still I decline the drink he offers me. After 5 minutes Henry walks downstairs and hugs me.

"Jefferson I think you should go talk to Grace and maybe the parents can sort this out"

"Excellent idea Emma"

He goes to talk to Grace

"Hey kid what's up"

"Grace and I can't decide where to live and she is worried about the baby that she hasn't told her father about or anyone."

"Why don't you get your own place"

"She doesn't think she can be a teen mom"

"But she has you kid"

"Well I don't know what to do, how do I help in this situation. I told her that I am always here and want this baby and to live together but something is holding her back"

"What about your earlier plan"

"I haven't gotten her to agree to go out with me"

"Well how about tonight you guys go to the lake and just talk, then you can propose and she will realize that you do want a commitment which is what I think she is looking for"

After 20 min Jefferson and Grace come downstairs. I hug Grace and she tells me thank you. Jefferson also thanks me for taking care of his little girl. We have a nice familyish moment. I tell grace to go spend some time with her father and meet Henry at the lake tonight, they both just need some time. She agrees and I take Henry home with me. I get home around 11 so Killian and Elliot are still home. Henry and Killian spend the rest of the afternoon talking about the ship and his plan for tonight. I hang out with Elliot until 12:15.

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