Chapter 12

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Hana POV

     Then I woke up and went to go wash up in the bathroom. When I was in the bathroom I also went to go take a shower. When I was in the shower I was thinking about yesterday how he did and the dinner. When I was done using the bathroom I went dowstairs to go cook breakfast for the both of us. I decide to cook an egg and bacon. When I was done cooking I set it on the table. After setting breakfast on the the table I went to go wake suga up. When I called his name he still wasn't moving. Then I went to shake him and shout


     So when I was shaking him he pulled me on the bed and pulled me down on the bed and hugged me tight on the bed. Then I kept on moving and said

"Ugh wake up and eat breakfast before it gets cold"

     So then he woke up and got ready in the bathroom. When he was done he went downstairs to eat breakfast with me. When we were done eating I went to go wash the dishes. When I was doing dishes suga came and help me wash the dishes. When we were done doing the dishes we went to go watch TV. Then suga said

"Well insted of calling me just suga call me oppa and I have practice i'm gonna send you to mom and them"

"Who parents are you going to send me to my mom or your mom"

"Uhh you can pick"

"I don't know who ever closer to us"

"So my mom"

     So the we just kept on watching tv on the sofa with each other. My head still hurts thats why suga is sending me to our parents but suga side of the parents. Suga oppa had practice at noon so he won't be coming back intill 12 midnight or later. So he told me just to sleep over at our parents house since he gonna be very tired to come pick me up. So then suga oppa told me to go pack so I can sleep over there for the night. Suga called his parents

( On the phone )

"Hey mom"

"Hey "

"Umm hana gonna stay over tonight because I don't want her to stay home alone because of last time and she gonna spend the night there if  your okay"

"Yea she can stay over for the night and when are you gonna send her here"

"At noon because we have practice and where not gonna be home at 12 midnight or later"

"Well okay uh just to tell her head  still hurts"

"Bye then"


( End  the phone )

     So then it turn 1:30 and it takes about 30 minutes to get there. So then we left there. When we in the car we were listening to I need you. Then we got there. Me and suga oppa walk inside the house. I guess suga oppa cousin were here and auties were here. So then when we came in they were just looking at me and they kept on asking suga who that girl and all these question. Then suga greeted me and I introduce myself for her auties and his cousin. So then after I intoduce myself to them suga oppa left to go practice.

Nobody POV

      After suga left hana went to go to go ask mom where the blanket is because hana was cold. Once mom came downstairs with a blanket she said to hana

"This is suga blanket you can use it"

     So then hana took the blanket and went to go sit in the living room on the sofa. So then hana took her phone out and went to go on Instagram. Then one of suga cousin went and sat next to hana. Once they were sitting there suga cousin broke the silence and said

"Hey who are you"

"Oh i'm suga wife"

"Oh you are"


"So what's your name"

"My name is hana what's your name"

"My name is jeni and how long have you guys have been married"

"Oh about a months"

"Ohh so how you doing"

"My head just hurts"

"Oh and wheres suga then"

"He at Bighit Company right know to practice his dance move"

"Oh well now i'm I gotta get going I had fun talking with you"

"Well bye"

     So then jeni left and half of the auties and cousin left. Well some of them are sleeping over at hana place too. Hana mom said to hana

"Well eat hana"

"Yea in abit"


     So then they ate and sat in living room watching TV. They were watching a scare movie. Hana was scared and went to suga old room hana mom said

"You can sleep in suga room if you want"

"Okay then"

     So then when they were watching that scaring movie hana left upstairs to go in suga room and touch her phone and went to go on Facebook. Then hana got a facetime from suga and said

( Facetiming )

"Hey what you doing"

"They are watching  a scaring movie so then I left into the room and some of your auties and your cousins are sleeping over so i'm gonna sleep in your room and it very messy here"

"I know my room is very messy and aww your scared watching that scare movie"

"I miss you"

"Now i'm scared that you said that you idoit"

"Well you should go to sleep because it's getting late and i'm might sleep over there and you don't know"

"Well I missed you, you better come well gotta go because i'm tired"

"well bye love you I might come"

     So then Hana fell asleep and left her phone on listening to music. Then suga was deciding to sleep over or nah becasue he miss hana and he wanted to sleep at home too. So then suga drove to mom and there house then suga greeted there cousin and left to go take a shower. After he was done taking a shower he left to go in the room and hugged hana very tight on the waist.

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