Chapter 13: Worst Nightmare

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As she tried to move, her body wouldn't even flinch. The dart had paralyzed her even when she was awake, and of course that was for no trouble towards the men. She looked behind her and shivered. She knew that this may be the last time she will see the outside world. 

When they entered building, the lighting was dim and the only source was torches ever few feet. She felt like she failed all her training, failed even her family and Ryan. She of course felt abandoned. The man that was carrying her, put her in a room to dark to tell if there was a bed and a place to bathe and go to a bathroom. There was a metal platform and one sheet that she knew was the bed and a small hole in the corner that had to be the bathroom but no shower. She turned to look at the man but before she could she was hit harshly and once again, her eyes went dark and she passed out.

When she woke back up,  there was a harsh breeze of cold air against her. Just by that breeze she could tell she had nothing but a bra and underwear on. There was no windows and the door was shut, leaving the room she was in pitch black. She stood and stumbled back, hitting the wall. She held her head feeling a throbbing pain come from the back where she was hit. 

She ran her fingers along the walls to try to find the bed, the door and the bathroom. It was hard but she found the door. It was cold and metal, which would probably be hard to break down. The bathroom, was nothing but a toilet. She didn't know how long she would be here but all she knew was that she would could be here for the rest of her life. 

It seemed like a while, before the door opened and a warm breeze filled her and she nearly gasped at how warm it was. She didn't expect to be that cold. The man walked in, followed by two large men. The man she could recognize. Her father. The man that kept her mother and family away from her most of her life now was here, in front of her and kept her in a locked room freezing to death because she had no clothes.

Seeing  her father after what happened sparked a new rage in her. She growled. "How could you betray your own mother! Your own family!" She yelled and the guards stepped in front of her father, in case of a attack. "My dear, I did this for the good of my own family. I have a new life now, doing what I have always loved!" he yelled and shook his head rubbing his head. She shook her head and began to cry. She couldn't believe he started a new family and left her, to defend on her own. And most of all, to defend herself against her father.

"Why do you hate mom!" She whimpered and stepped back. She rubbed her eyes gently and her crying became more intense after a while. "Why did you become someone different then the man that married  mom!" She yelled and sunk to the ground crying into her hands. Her father rolled her eyes. "Because I was stupid to marry my prey. I realized my mistakes and now, I am doing what I am meant to do.." He said with a role of his eyes and left. She watched as the door closed and the lights from the hallway faded. The darkness surrounded her cold shivering body and she cried silently.

Days past, but to her she couldn't tell, to pass time she practiced shifting into a tiger paced the room and would curl up in a corner, trying to stay warm. In both her tiger and human form, she was filthy. Her hair was greasy and she didn't smell like a normal girl would. She stunk. Her father only came in with rotten food that had a bitter taste and was hard to tell if it was food or not. She prayed every night that Ryan or the council would come by to pick her up, but they never did. 

As she waited for her father to bring her daily meal, she moved her hands up and down her stomach and chest, feeling her rib cage and sighing silently. She hadn't had a good meal for ages. She needed food. She lifted her head, hearing the locks on the door come open and the door slowly opened, her father taking one step in and putting the plate down. "Father.. please let me go. I will do anything... ple.." she was cut off. "By next week, your slave profile will be done for the black market." He said with a calm voice. But she could hear his annoyance. "wait..." She said weakly, her voice broken from not talking very much any more. 

Her father left, she shifted into a tiger and slowly moved towards the food. Tonight, was a apple core and a piece of meat that had mold on it. She sniffed it and let out a whimper before slowly picking of the meat and chewing it. It was raw and bitter, like everything she had eaten when she arrived. She couldn't hold down the food and ran to the toilet throwing up into it. She couldn't tell who she would throw up that much. She barely ate anything.  

As she moved back to the corner where she tore up pieces of the paper plates and laid them down to create a bed, she was stopped when she heard yelling and gunfire. All she could think was that someone came to save her. But she knew her father had his tricks and she was right. A gas was sprayed into the room. She laid down in her corner so at least she would be comfortable. She looked towards the door as her vision went black and the darkness swallowed her whole. 


Hey guys! So sorry for the absence of this next chapter for so long. I've had a lot to do since the beginning of school. Thanks for all your patience. 

Also, thanks for 1.9 K reads!  I am so excited. Thank you guys so much!

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