Chapter 7: Shocking News

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Her heart sank. 10 broken ribs out of 12! Will she be able to handle this? She sighed and continued to eat. Ryan watched and walked out. She finished and got up. She walked into the garden and looked around. She quickly shifted.

'What am I not supposed to have fun?' She said to herself and she started to chase a butterfly. Ryan came out and looked at her. "Christina. The council just called. They have news." She padded up to him and shifted back. "News about what?" She said nervously. He sighed. "I will tell you on the way there." They soon got into the car and Christina looked out the window nervously. "So they know who took your mom. And brothers and Henry's family. " She looked up at him, "they did?" He nodded and pulled up to a big building. She got out and looked down playing with her fingers.

Guards patted them down and led them through a long hall and into a building. She stepped into the center facing the head councilmen. "Christina Falcon it is good to see you again." She nodded and looked at them. "You to sir," she said softly

"We have found out who captured your family and friends. He is your father." He said smoothly.

Christina's heart sank to the floor. Her eyes teared up and she stepped back into ryan who wrapped his arms around her.

(Back story:)

Christina's father was a hunter. Except when he fell in love with her mother the bond broke and he become rouge. They ran and hid until they found a place no one knew about. They soon got married and had four children. Dillion, Cooper, and Christina. And of course her sister who cares what her name is anymore. They got into a fight one night and mom kicked him out of the house. He couldn't return even to see his children.

(End of back story)

"Christina. You will be escorted home by Ryan and some guards. Now we still don't know where they are but we will find them ok." He slammed a mallet on a wood disc and the meeting was over. Ryan kept his arm on her shoulder as they walked. They walked out to the car and got in. Four or five men followed into motorcycles.

She sighed looking out the window. Ryan looked at her then the road. "You ok Christina?" He said softly. She shook her head. "No. Why would my father kidnap my family?"

Ryan sighed and looked into the distance. A deer ran out into the rode. Ryan tried to slow down but hit it causing the deer to make a distress sound and the car to flip. Cristina groaned and blood dripped down her face. "Ryan." She shook him awake. She took a pocket knife out of her jeans and cut the seat belt off them moved over to him doing the same.

They broke a window using their feet and crawled out. The sunlight stringed their eyes and they sat against it. A woman ran up to them. "Oh my god! Are both of you alright?" She asked frantically as Ryan pushed her away. "Yes ma'am were fine. But can You please call a ambulance?" He asked softly staying calm. He grabbed my wrist. "Is their any pain?" He asked. Christina winced touching her stomach.

"My ribs of course but my stomach...." Ryan lifted her shirt revealing a deep cut gushing blood. "Oh my." He said and took off his shirt. Now men are adorable when they are strong and handsome in natural situations but when they take their shirt off..... It's a whole different story. She blushed as he gently wrapped the shirt around her stomach tightly. "There that should stop the bleeding. Till the first responders get here.

15 minutes later the police and ambulance arrived. They checked ryan quickly and then put Christina on a stretcher. "He can come with me right?" She asked looking up at one of the first responders. He nodded and motioned for ryan to join them. They got into it closing the door. They put the sirens back on and sped down the long road.

Her eye sight became blurry. "Hang in their sweet heart. We will make sure you won't die today." Someone said as a breathing mask was put over her mouth and everything blacked out.

[] Ryan's POV []

The car flipped over and landed on its top. He groaned lightly falling asleep but being woken by Christina. As she cut the seat belt off we kicked the door window and crawled out. A woman ran to us but I pushed her away. I lift Christina's shirt as she winced and my eyes widened as I looked at a cut gushing blood. I quickly take off my shirt and wrapped it around her. A few moments later the first responders loaded her into. Ambulance and we drove away. "Hang in there sweetheart. We will make sure you won't die today." He heard someone say. The heart rate monitor went crazy.

"We are loosing her." They said and rushed around. He looked at her and held her hand. "Don't die your mother will kill me if you do. Don't you dare do it Christina don't do it!" He screamed and brushed his hand on her head. Then the heart rate went steady barley beating.

"Can you get us there any quicker!" He yelled and looked at Christina. They pulled into the hospital and he got out to allow the others to get her. They wheeled her in and soon he got cut off by a nurse. "Please let me in to see her!"

"Sir they are taking her to surgery right away. Please sit down." He looked down the hall way as a tear dropped down his cheek. He went to the waiting room and sat down placing his head in his hands. He rubbed his eyes. "Please God don't kill her. Please God don't kill her. I need her alive. I need her alive please God don't do this to me. Please she can't die this way." He prayed for hours and paced the room until the doctor showed up. "Is she ok?" He asked nervously placing his hands together.

He nodded. "She is still asleep but he anesthetic should wear off." He smiled and ryan breathed heavily. "Can is see her?" He asked and looked at him with gentle eyes.

The doctor started walking and motioned for Ryan to join him. They walked down a long hall and got to a room. The doctor opened it and Ryan walked in looking at Christina's lifeless body. He sat down by the bed and held her hand. "Your going to be ok." He said softly and kissed Christina's hand.

"Ryan....." She said weakly and opened her eyes. He nodded and put her hair behind her ears. "Hey Christina. How are you feeling?" She chuckled then winced. "I'm good. In pain though." She looked at him and coughed. "Ryan? Can we go home?"

Before he could say anything the doctor came in. "Yes actually you can. You can get dressed and send you on your way." She smiled and slid her feet off the bed and holding her stomach wincing in pain. She quickly put clothing on and they went out the door to see a lot of camera men. People raced towards them. "You almost died?" "What was heaven like?" Ryan stood in front of her and pushed the camera men away.

"She doesn't want to answer you so back off or you will be in the hospital as well." He said sternly pushing them all away. He cleared a path to a black Mercedes and got in. He closed and locked the doors. "Let's go home eh?" She nodded and as they drove off news vans followed. "I didn't die right Ryan?" He kept his eyes on the road. "You did in the ambulance but the first responders saved you." She smiled and looked in the rear view mirror. "God. Where is our..." Before anymore could be said the guards pulled in front and behind us. "Never mind. And how did they not crash and disappear?" Ryan chuckled slightly

"They are ghosts so once the car flipped they disappeared because they failed the job,"

Christina nodded. "Yeah that makes a lot of sense. Like a lot of sense." Ryan laughed as they pulled into the driveway. "Close the gates." He spoke into a radio. The gates soon closed before the news vans can get there and he got out. "You know how to heal right?" "Yeah of course I do." She said shyly. "Or not." She sighed. "I can help you. Don't worry." Ryan smiled and placed his hand on her stomach where the stitches were. "Just think of anyone who loves you and would do anything for you."

She nodded and closed her eyes. She grabbed Ryan's hand and winced feeling a intense burning in her stomach area. She groaned in pain but then the pain went away. Breathing heavily she opened her eyes. "Did it work?" She asled shyly as Ryan lifted her shirt to check the wounds.

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