Chapter Three: Hiding

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We dash to the porch and shift we run into the house and occupy all the sinks to wash the blood of our face. We hear the doorbell ring and we all rush to see who it is. Standing at the door was the police and animal control. "Hello we had a sighting of 5 Big cats. A Cheetah, a Snow Leopard, a Tiger, a Black leopard, and a Mountain lion. It was right outside of your home in the forest. Have you seen any of these cats?" We all looked at each other. "No ma'am sorry we havent." They nodded and said "If you see anything suspicous give us a call." They handed Henry a card that had there number on it and we shut the door as they left. We all sighed and let out a laugh.

A couple hours later when Envy came home we were all having a discussion over dinner. She pushed Derek out of her seat and sat down. We all gave her a deep state. "What did I do?" She screamed across the table. We continued to stare at her. "Envy, when you were gone frolicking around in the woods with your boyfriend! mother got taken by hunters." Dillion said quietly trying to keep his voice down. "Ok why does Christina have the crest? She isn't even a WereCat!" She said. Henry let out a giggle. "Also when you were gone we found out that Christina is a WereTiger." She gave me a stare and looked up and down. "Are you sure?" A knock came upon the door and she looked at it. It was the police again. I stood up and answered the door. "Hello we had another sighting of a big cat. This time it was a lioness." I looked back at my sister and she shrugged.

"Ok we haven't seen it but we will call you if we see anything." I closed the door and I turned around and looked at Envy. "You realize how much danger you just put us in envy!!!!!" She looked at me with wide eyes as I charged her. "Wow it's ok she's not the only one who did it." Cooper stepped in front of me before I could punch her in the jaw. I looked at me and smiled. "I'm going to my room." I said as is stormed down the hallway. I could hear the chatter in the dinning hall.

I lied down and looked up at the ceiling. The starts that glittered the black walls started to glow as the sun went down and as my eyes grew heavy.

I tasseled and turned in my bed as I kept dreaming of my mother, and what they were doing to her. Her scream played over and over again in my head like a broken record.

My eyes shot open as I screamed. All five of them were standing by my bed with a worried look. I jump off my bed as my eyes turned to a different color. I had shifted during my stirring. I liked being a cat I could climb trees stalk birds and land in my four paws.

"Christina you ok?" Derek asked. He sounded super concerned. I felt my skin no longer furry and soon I was back on my own two feet. " I had a dream about mother but I'm fine." I walked out of the room and sat on the couch thinking about my dream.

Envy came down and sat next to me. "Do you need something Envy?" She started to open her mouth but I cut her off as I walked out to the back porch to over look the forest.

I looked over the tree tops to the mountain and saw it a star like shin coming from it. I grabbed the binoculars and zoomed in to the light. It was a woman that looked strangely like my mom. "Dillion come here!" I scream. He runs to the door with Henry and Derek following him closely.

"I know where mom is." I Said with a smile. He grabbed the binoculars and looked towards the light just like I did. I grabbed the binoculars out of his hand and looked back through them. I smiled at the sight of my mom. I suddenly saw a shadow step out of the dark door behind her and I watched as he drug her out of my sight.

I dropped the binoculars and a tear fell. I felt my body go weak and everything went black.

Water slapped against my face. A light shines in my eyes. I hear a voice but I couldn't understand what he was saying. A face comes into view but my eyes are blurry. I feel a hand brush under my back and it forces me to sit up. A sharp pain shoot through my body and as soon as my visions un-blurs I look down. I had a bandage in my side and it was red.

"W-What happened. " Dillion rushes to my side. "When you fell you knocked the family swords of the wall and one pierces your hip. Now that you know your a WereCat you can heal quickly. Pin point the pain and imagine stitches for the cut." I close my eyes and move my hip. I feel where the pain is coming from. I find a image of a needle and thread and I feel something moving on the cut.

I lift up the bandage and see that the cut was healing itself. I laugh and hug my brother who helps me up. She's still alive I know it. I saw her! Now all we need to do is prepare for the journey. Pack and head out. I hear a alarm and a monitor comes out of the ceiling. A scene of someone came into view. A man pounding on the door. I ran up to the main hall and opened the door. "Hell..." He cut me off. "Please let me in!" He pushes past me and closed and locked the door.

By the time the others came up the stairs, the strange man was sitting on the couch.

"Excuse me why are you in my house?" Dillion said taking him by the collar of the shirt and lifting him into the air. The man kicked him in the gut causing him to fly into the wall and knocking him unconscious.

"I don't want any more trouble from you!" The man screamed. He looked at us and his eyes were glowing a gold color.

"Who the hell are you and what!" Henry said stepping in front of us. The man smiled and let out a laugh. "I am Luke. I am a WereWolf." Henry snarled and we could see the glow of his eyes in the window.

"WereWolfs are not welcome here." Henry said snarling. "Oh did I tell you. I'm here for the girl. He pointed a finger directly towards me and I felt a shiver go down my spine.

" I know your the family of WereCats whose mom got taken. And now I'm here to take another." He lunged at me. I dodged him and shifted into a tiger. "I will not be defeated." He said shifting into a reddish color wolf.

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