Chapter 20

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Ryan watched her. "Sit on the grass." He said sitting down across from her and watched as she also sat down. "Now it is clear that your father is the one that is bothering you. He has somehow managed to get into your head to drive you insane, and also break you down so that you wouldn't be able to defeat him." He said softly and looked at her. "Now close your eyes Christina and imagine a room. Any room, and imagine your father is there with you." He instructed. 

She did as she was told. She closed her eyes and breathed softly. She imagined the room her father had put her in. She imagined her father standing there in front of her. She growled. He began to mock her like he had been doing before. She clutched her fists. Her hands began to glow. "You have no control over me!" She screamed.

A burst of energy came out of her and pushed Ryan back. She opened her eyes and looked at Ryan laying on the ground. He was laughing and holding his gut. "What?!" She shouted. She glared at him and crossed her arms. He was still laughing, and almost ignoring her. She quickly shifted and jumped on him, sitting on his stomach. He looked at her. "Your power is amazing. It hurts but its amazing Christina." He said looking at her smirking."

She got off him and huffed. "Good now, lets try in your werecat form!" He said happily, as if he liked to get hit by a burst of fire. She sat in front of him and closed her eyes again. She thought of the same scenario. The aura glowed around her, and she breathed softly. When she opened her eyes, and plum of fire was directly in front of her. She gasped and quickly ran towards the fire, hearing laughter. 

She began to panic, then looked up. 5oft up, there was Ryan, sitting on top of the plum of fire. She huffed and growled. You got to be kidding me Ryan. He is taking this as a joke! She turned her back to him and the plum disappeared, making the man fall to the ground. He landed and slowly sat up. 

She quickly shifted and stared back at him growling lowly. He looked at her frowning. "What?" He mumbled and looked at her silently. "Your laughing! Is this a joke to you!" She shouted at him. He looked at her, sighing heavily. "To be honest Christina, I don't see it as a joke.. but I see it as a amazing thing. I see that you hold rare power, and it amazes me. That's why I am laughing." He explained. She stared at him and crossed her arms.

"Can I go back to the room?" She asked softly and looked at him. He nodded and dismissed her. She walked back to the room she was in. Ivy was in the same position, sitting on her phone. "Your such a loser. Can't you not look at your phone for 5 minutes!" She said. She was clearly agitated from what happened with Ryan.

She laid on her bed, staring up at the ceiling fan, turn in circles. It slowly put her in a trance and she fell asleep. She woke up to the sound of yelling. She glanced over at Ivy, who once again, fell asleep with her phone on, and on her chest. She slowly stood up and walked over to the window. She looked out to see Henry and Ryan screaming at each other. She knew them meeting would be a bad idea. 

She rubbed her eyes tiredly and stepped out of the room. Closing the door behind her. "Shut up would you? There are people trying to sleep." She said sternly. Ryan turned to face her so that both of them were looking at her. "He is saying I shouldn't be spending as much time with you! He says he will kill me." Ryan complained, using a voice of a child. She looked towards Henry.

He looked at her silently. "Your engaged. You can't be spending time with other men!" Henry growled at her. Christina rubbed her head. She didn't have time for their shit. "Henry. He is my uncle. He is helping me train a little bit more, since I will be the one facing my father. All of you are just there to help me get to where my father will be. I do not want to hear you two fighting again, and if I do hear you again I will personally beat both of you up and leave you on a plum of fire to let you two figure it out!" She shouted. 

Their faces were blank, yet Henry's face was more confused. "Plum of fire?" He asked. Ryan laughed. "She holds some pretty rare fire powers! Come on Christina, were going to use all of today to train you fully." He said, walking over to her, and putting his arm around her shoulder. She walked with him. 

"You two bicker like two little kids." She mumbled silently. He looked at her. "You control your own life." He said softly. They sat in the same spot as before. There was a large black spot of dead grass where she made the plum of fire the other day. She sat down across from Ryan again. 

"Today we need to get you to learn to control that plum of fire. It will help." He said softly. She nodded and stare at him. "Close your eyes. Think of a target. Feel the flame coming from your hand. Direct them to the target." He said softly.

She closed her eyes and breathed in silently. She felt the heat begin to gather in her hands and she bit her lip. She saw the fire gather in front of her and she forced her hands to the targets. She then created more of them, three lining the whole wall. She thought of two more targets, and shot the fire towards the targets, hitting them spot on. 

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