Chapter:6 Captured

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Christina nodded and as usual she stayed calm looking into his bright blue eyes. He looked at someone and nodded. "Hey you want to see something cool?" Christina smiled and blushed "sure."

Jason took her hand and as the song ended he walked quickly to outside into the garden. He sat down on the bench and took something out of his pocket. " I know we just met...." He turned a button on the box and it sounded like a buzz of electricity. She kept her eyes fixed on his. He stuck it into her side. She felt a jolt of electricity and blacked out.

She slowly opened her eyes and tried to sit up. Her body was chained down and her arms were tightly tied behind her back. She was chained to a wall. "Help!" She cried out but nothing happened. She pulled on the ropes and chains. She tried to shift but couldn't. Her eyes started to tear up as she gave up and looked down.

She suddenly heard footsteps. "Hello my darling. I see you are awake." She glared at him after she looked up. "Let me go!" She screamed. He chuckled lowly and held a knife in his hands. He slowly walked towards her. Christina whimpered and winced as he placed the knife on her shirt. He made a downward motion quickly cutting off her shirt. She winced again as he placed it on her chest and cut into the skin. Tears dripped down her cheek. He smiled and cupped her cheek in his hand. "Don't cry I'm not gonna hurt you." She spit in his face. He harshly swung his hand back handing her. She moved her head to the side.

She groaned and looked at him with hatred in her eyes. He walked out. She closed her eyes. "What did he say to do?" She said softly. She opened her eyes and they were. Different color. She shifted and broke the chains. Yet something was on her neck. She tried to jump out the window but she got shocked and she whimpered. "A shock collar? You got to be kidding me." She growled. She paced the room still in her WereCat form. She heard footsteps and ran to a dark corner by the door. She stayed low so that who ever was coming wouldn't see her. Jason walked into the room again.

He held a whip. "Shit." He went to the back of the room to look for her. He had left the door open. She had seen her chance. She quickly ran out the room. Men watched as she did and started to chase after her. She bolted out the front door. The sun blinded her. Not seeing where she was going to hit something and heard a groan. She had hit a man.

He punched her in the jaw. She suddenly felt rope wrap around her body and back legs. They pulled on the ropes, causing her to fall. The men wrapped the ropes around her front legs as well. Jason walked out with the whip. He cracked the whip which triggered a instinct telling me to get away immediately. I struggled to get loose and jumped in the air. The men lost the ropes and I bolted. My legs hurt from where the ropes where tightly wrapped around them

She got to the gate and felt a shock. She whinned and back off. "Get through this." she bolted out the doorway and to a open feild. Her eyes grew heavy. "THAT SNEAKY BASTARD!" she growled

When she woke up she was in a cage and men surrounded it. They poked her with stick. She bit down on the stick snapping it. She snarled and barred her teeth. The men laughed at her. She heard the crack of a whip and whimpered. Jason walked out of the darkness. Randomly he chuckled looking at her. He reached his hand through the bar of the cage and when Cristina snapped at his hand he quickly pulled it from her reach.

He snapped and men picked up the cage. A deep fog filled the room. She saw the shadow of a man. "Jason... Long time no seeThe voice was similar. It was ryan. He stepped from the fog. "Ryan leave she isn't yours!" Jason growled and cracked the whip. Ryan caught it with his bare hand and pulled it causing Jason to fall to his knees. Ryan took the whip from him and whipped J right in the path of the spine.

He let out a blood chilling scream making Christina pin ears back and put her tail between her legs. Ryan look at Christina his eyes a bright blue. He walked over to the cage and broke the lock. He opened the door and let her out. She purred and rubbed against his leg. She shifted then hugged him. "Christina. Im glad your ok." He said softly. Tears started to stream down her cheek as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"I shouldn't have gone with him." Ryan rubbed her back. "Don't worry. It won't happen again. I promise." She nodded. They stayed there for a while. Eventually Christina fell asleep in his arms. Ryan stood and carried her out to his car. He set here down in the back gently and put a blanket over her bruised and cut body.

The next morning when she woke up her hair was wet and she had fresh clothing on. Her wounds were tended to and she had a cast on her arm and chest supposedly to keep her ribs together. She got up and groaned as pain rushed through her. She set her feet on the ground and stood. She walked over to the window and opened it. The sub beat down on her face. She breathed in the fresh air. She bought she would never see his place again.

The door opened slowly. She turned to see Ryan. She smiled and looked at him. "Hey how's those bandages holding?" She rubbed her hand along her ribs and winced. "Good." He walked over to the window and stood by her. "So your bone on your arm is bruised and you got a couple broken ribs." She said smoothly looking at the bandages and checking them.

"Why is my hair wet?" She asked nervously. "One of my maids bathed you last night and got you into fresh clothing." He chuckled and hugged her. "Hungry?" She looked at him. "Yeah no crap." She joked. He started to walk out. "A feast fit for a beast down stairs." He walked out. She slowly walked after him. Limping down the stairs she tripped and closed her eyes getting ready for the pain.

She didn't feel the pain. She opened her eyes to look up at Ryan. "Hello." He chuckled.

She giggled and pushed herself from his arms. She walked besides him to the dining hall was where bacon eggs and toast were waiting. She sat down and started to eat. Ryan poured her a glass of water. "How many ribs did I break?" She asked softly.

He sighed. "I'm sorry to say but 10/12. He beat you pretty hard."

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