Is this some kind of sick joke?

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I rolled over. I thought I heard someone call my name.

“Natalie.” There it was again, but louder. “Damn you, Natalie. Get the hell up.”

I opened my eyes. “Nate?”

“Yes now get up and do something about- Your hair?” He said, sounding confused. A hand instinctively went to my head of long brown hair.

“What about my hair?” I asked. My eyes were blurry with sleep. And sex. Mostly sleep.

“It’s black.”

“No way.” I said, bolting out of bed and to the mirror atop the dresser. Sure enough, my hair was a neat, long bundle of black. How is it so neat after the night I had?

“That’s not supposed to happen.” I said. Nate agreed with me. I quickly ran a brush through it. Almost no knots. What the hell? I pulled it into a pony tail. I changed into my gear. Boy, with this new hair color I looked badass.

“They’re here.” Nate said.


“Most of the illits are here. Loki’s here. S.H.I.E.L.D.’s here. Most of the sentinels are here.” Nate said, counting off on his fingers. I was very confused.

“Here? At the house?”

“No, dipshit. In Cleveland!” Nate said, moving to hit me upside the head. I moved just in time.

“Oh. We should probably go then.” I said, pointing to the door as I walked towards it. Nate grabbed me behind the arm. His eyes were soft.

“I know what you did last night.” He said kindly, but firmly.

“What are you talking about?”

“Bringing a man that you barely know into the house. Sleeping with him. I know what you did.” Nate said in a low voice. I wanted to deny what he said, but it was my brother. He wouldn’t judge me.

“Do you understand why I did it?” I asked, matching his tone. He nodded.

“To get back at Dad. I know you two don’t get along but don’t you think you took it a little too far?” Nate answered. I thought for a moment.

“At this point, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get under that man’s skin.” I answered, turning on my heel and walking to the door.

“Well you’re doing a damn good job.” He said as we both exited the room. I stopped, turned and took a curtsy in his direction.

“Thank you.” I said happily. He rolled his eyes.

“That’s not something a young lady should be proud of.”

“Since when am I a lady?” I asked as we walked into the kitchen to meet Joey and dad.

“Never.” Joey and Nate said at the same time. I smiled. Emma was in the kitchen talking with Joey when we walked in.

“Go get in the car.” Dad said, not looking up from some papers he was reading at the kitchen table. “Now!”

“Shotgun!” Nate called as we ran. Joey and I groaned. We ran out of the house and I sat in the seat behind the driver.  Emma sat in the middle. Dad came out of the house a few minutes later. He had our weapons in his hand. He got in the car and handed Joey and Emma guns, Nate a long sword, and lastly he handed me my bo-staff. I took it and collapsed it to the size of a paper towel roll.

Dad started the car and started speeding. And man, do I mean speeding. We were probably pushing 100 in a 45. Joey and I exchanged confused looks. Was this really that serious?

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