Can you carry on?

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Nobody wanted to fire the first shot.

Each one of the illits was holding a really intimidating looking gun. The only difference between them was that some of the guns appeared to be blue, and the others were just black.

One of the illits holding a black gun fired, and it hit a sentinel in the stomach. He stumbled backwards, but he was fine. He kept touching his stomach, like he was expecting it to hurt. Suddenly, he exploded. We all jumped from the sudden explosion.

The gun must fire a bullet that’s a small bomb, and is painless when you’re shot with it. This is going to change a lot of battle tactics. How will you know when you’ve been shot? You won’t.

In the shock of the moment, I took my bo-staff and hit my father in the small of his back, causing him crumpling to the ground.

Sentinels and illits rushed past me, like I had broken the ice to start fighting each other.

As I raised my bo-staff to hit my father again, I was picked up, and thrown over someone’s shoulder. The person ran with me, and then threw me back on to the ground. My head made a disgusting sound when it connected with the pavement.

My vision started to blur, and I could see little balls of light, which I assumed were the ‘stars’ everybody talks about when they hit their head.  I didn’t move after I hit the ground.

It felt like I was laying on the ground for an hour when Nate ran over to me. He picked me up and ran with me into an alley. He sat down, with me on his lap.

“C’mon Nat. Say something.” He said, putting two fingers on my neck and checking my pulse. “I know you can hear me.”

My eyes were staring at the sky, unmoving. He must have thought I was dead. I moved my eyes and looked at him. It didn’t hurt as bad as I thought it would. I could see him relax his muscles.

“My head hurts.” I said softly, wincing at the pain.

“Nat you gotta tough it out. We need you. You have to get up.” He said, standing up and trying to pull me to my feet. It hurt, but he was right. They need me. One less soldier means we have a smaller chance of winning.

He started walking with me. I was stumbling slightly. I felt like a zombie. I didn’t want to open my eyes all the way, and I didn’t want to walk too fast. I was holding on to Nate’s arm so he could guide me.

“Nate, stop.” I commanded. I want to get myself normal again before I go back into the chaos. Nate stopped and I opened my eyes.

It hurt at first, but then I got used to it. I took a few steps, and I could walk normally if I thought about it.

“You have a nasty concussion, that’s for sure.” Nate said. “I saw that guy slam you on the ground. He threw you like you weighed three pounds.”

“It hurt like a bitch.” I agreed.

“You ready to go back out there?”

“Yeah I’m ready.” I answered. Nate ran out before I did. He ran to Emma to help her fight two illits. I looked around for something to do.

My bo-staff was lying on the ground in the middle of the road. Without thinking, I ran to my life-support, picking it up and kissing it.

A flash of green caught my eye. I looked over to see an illit rushing past me toward Emma. I threw my bo-staff like a spear, and it hit the illit, pinning him to the wall. He yelled out in pain, and pulled the staff out of him, throwing it to the ground. I ran over to him, grabbed the bo-staff and stabbed him again. When he crumpled to the ground, I turned my back and walked away.

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