Who am I?

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I live in a world where there are three types of people.

The first type: Mortals.

The second type: Those who were destined to do evil deeds. Those people are called Illits.

The third type: Those who were destined to do good deeds. These people are called Sentinels.

My family is a sentinel family. On our home planet of Asgard, the All-Father had two sons: Thor and Loki. Thor is the overseer for the sentinels. Loki is the overseer for the illits.  They oversee the births of all Asgardian children.

There has been a war going on between the illits and sentinels ever since Thor was banished to Midgard and Loki found out his true identity. The war is well hidden from the All-Father, as he would not approve of a civil war between his people.

This is where my story begins.

My name is Natalie Nottmeier. I am 17 years old. I have a twin brother, Nathan, and a younger brother named Joseph. We go to a mortal school, as it is a sentinel’s duty to protect mortals. My father is the principal of the school, so we don’t have to disclose our identity. There are illits in this school. We have people who have gotten close to them, like a spy would.

I am one of them.

My boyfriend is an illit.  His name is Jackson. He has told me about the illits, thinking I am a mortal. He does not know that I am a sentinel. I report the information back to the sentinel leaders. This has made me a top official in the war. I am the person, in the state of Ohio, that people go to when they have reports to turn in. This has also made me a top target for attacks.

My family is highly trained in battle tactics. We train daily.

In sentinel families, the woman is the main leader of the family, not the male. This means my mother is in charge of when we train, how we train, and who we train for. My mother is my idol. She means the world to me, and I would do anything to protect her.

The main feature that sets sentinels apart from mortals is the fact that we have super-human strength. When we are young, we do not have our powers all the time, just when the enemy is present. We have marks on the inside of our upper arm that glows blue when an illit is present. We have a cover-up to keep it hidden when we’re in public.

Now that you know about the civil war, you can read about my life.

Have fun.

“Hey, Jack, what’s gonna happen tomorrow? I can’t remember.” I said to Jack, my boyfriend, as we were walking out of school. People around us were chatting, completely oblivious to us. Jack grabbed a lock of my brown hair and started twirling it in his fingers.

“Well, like I told you yesterday, our race is going to attack the school. That’s why I can’t let you come to school tomorrow. I can’t let anything happen to you.” Jack said, kissing my forehead. I snickered to myself.

What he means is:

The illits are planning an attack on an innocent high school to create a diversion so they can attack our government building. Little do they know, that I told our leaders about the illit’s plan. My family is going to fend for the school, and the rest of our people are going to protect the government building.

“Wait, so I can sleep in tomorrow?” I asked Jack, trying to act clueless. He laughed and nodded.

“Yeah you can. So, I’ll come to your house after the attack? Does that work out for you?”

“Yeah. My family should be gone by then. I got my brother to ditch school too but I doubt he’ll be home. And… yeah that’s about it.” I answered. Jack nodded, understanding.

“Okay, so I’ll see you tomorrow, Nat?” Jack asked.

“See you tomorrow, Jack.” I answered. Jack leaned in and kissed me. He turned the other way, waving over his shoulder at me. I waved back. When he turned around, I did too. I smirked to myself all the way to my front door. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I groaned loudly and looked back towards the school. My brother Nate was not too far down the road.

“Hey Nate!” I called to my twin.

“Forget your key again, sis?”

“Precise.” I answered.

“How are you my twin?” He asked sarcastically, still walking towards me. I shrugged and laughed.  When he was close enough to me, he threw me his house key. I caught it with ease and unlocked the front door.

The Nottmeier house is a small home, with one floor. (Not counting the basement, this is the training area).  I walked in the door, and immediately had to walk down the small hallway. When you walk into the house, you either go slightly left, into a closet, or walk down the small hallway into the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and went right, into the larger hallway with all three bedrooms.  My parents got the master bedroom. When my brother and I were born, we had separate rooms. When our younger brother was born, I offered to share a room with my twin. That’s how it is to this day.

“Mom!” I called into the hallway.

“What Nat?” I heard her call back. I threw my back pack down in the middle of the floor.

“Are we gonna wait for Dad and Joey to get home to talk?” I called again, too lazy to go into her room.

“Did you really just ask me that?”

“Sorry, stupid question.” I called back, laughing to myself. Nate must have been behind me, because he smacked my upside the head.

“Sometimes I wonder why you’re not blonde.” He said. I scoffed, pretending to be offended.

“Well sorry!” I said. He rolled his eyes and walked into our room. I followed. The room was blue, since it’s our favorite color. The room had two beds, a dresser, desk, a bookshelf, and a closet. The closet was mine, half of the bookshelf was mine, and one drawer of the dresser was mine. The rest of the dresser and half of the bookshelf were Nate’s. I flopped down on my bed which was  closest to the door and stared at Nate. He went onto his bed, took his jacket off and pulled out his cell phone.

Nate had shaggy dark brown hair that almost looked black and green eyes. He was tall and skinny, and he looked awkward almost all the time. The only time he didn’t look awkward was when he had a gun or sword in his hand.

I have the same shade hair as Nate. I also have blue eyes, not green. I’m tall and skinny, but not to the point of awkwardness. I looked my best when I’m fighting, I’m graceful. My weapon of choice is a bo-staff. My brothers call it a stick. I call it life support.

“Natalie.” Nate said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Did you just call me Natalie? What do you want?” I asked. Nobody calls me Natalie unless I’m in trouble.

“Dad’s going to be home in two minutes. You might want to change into your training gear.” Nate said. When sentinels want to fight, their armor is placed on their body at will. Meaning, I have to think about my armor, and it appears on my body.

Oh, and Nate can predict minor events in the future. Like stupid things. Like the other day, he told me I would have to pee in about ten minutes. He was right. He can’t tell major events, like death or battles.

“Are you going to change?” I asked. He gave me an ‘are you kidding me look’. I looked at him. He was already in his armor. “Never mind.”

I thought about my armor, and I changed into it. It was a black cat suit that hugged my body in the right way. I didn’t have much to my body, but when sentinels have their strength, they become muscular.

I heard the front door open. I looked to Nate, and we both left our room together. We quickly walked through the hallway and through the kitchen. My mom and dad were standing in the kitchen, Joey already walking towards the basement.

“Afternoon, Daddy.” I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. My dad’s not too fond of me. Sentinel men are all about them passing on their power genes, and they don’t see women as being a good way to pass on genes. They like sons better.

“Go warm up.” My dad answered.

“Yes, Daddy.” I said, putting my head down and quickly walking to the basement door, and descending the stairs.

The Asgardian Civil War (Loki FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now