I am a liar

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“Okay, Nathan. Explain to me what’s going to go down tomorrow.” My dad said, trying to sound current by saying ‘go down’.

“Well, the illits are going to attack during 5°. I’m going to try to hold people back in the seating area. Nat’s going to fend them off if you can’t get in there without blowing your cover, Dad.” Nate explained.

“What about your mother?”

“She’s going to start evacuating the students.” Answered Nate, to Dad’s approval.

“Natalie, you have a go at your brother. Try to take him down. No weapon.” Dad said.

“Which brother?”

“Joseph.” Dad said. Joey groaned loudly. “Have a complaint?”

“She always beats me. She’s three years older!” Joey said, stamping his foot. I laughed.

“I’ll give you an advantage. I’ll start on my knees.” I said, putting my hands up and dropping to my knees. Joey looked back to my dad for approval. Nothing was said so Joey ran at me. He ran slightly off center and I tripped him with my arm and he belly-flopped onto the training mat. I quickly got on top of him and put one knee on each shoulder and my hands on his head, a position that makes it easy to behead someone. I looked up to my dad for approval. He was shaking his head.

“What?” I asked.

“It’s not polite to show off.” My father said. I stood up quickly, scoffing.

“But you-“

“No buts.”


“Stop arguing. Go back upstairs and take your mother’s place with dinner. She’ll be more of a help training than you.” My dad said, not making eye contact. I felt like I was going to cry. My father just told me to do something, and then scolded me for it. What the hell, dad. Way to make me feel loved.

I walked up stairs quickly with my head down. When I got into the kitchen, my mother looked at me sadly.

“Your father?”


“I’ll go down there.”

“He wants you down there”

“Okay.” She said and then she was gone. The timer on the oven went off. I grabbed an oven mitt and opened the door. There were enchiladas in the pan. I pulled them out and set them on the counter so they could cool.  Then I turned and ran back into my room.  I thought of myself in sweats and a t-shirt, and they appeared on my body. I pulled out the chair at the desk and sat.

I waited another 40 minutes before the family was done training. We ate in silence, and then we went to bed, to get our strength for tomorrow.


“Go. Run. Be silent, stealthy. Trust no one. Kill everything that does not wear sentinel colors.” My brother said to me, as we walked into the school at the start of 5°. The attack could start anytime now. My brother would be holding back the students in case anybody wanted to be a hero.

While my family was training without me, my dad let my brother use my bo-staff. My brother broke it. That means I have to fight with my bare hands.

My brother and I made it into the cafeteria. Immediately, everybody was staring at us, probably because we were in our battle armor. I looked at the students, looking for Jack. He wasn’t there. I smirked.

I stood at the end of the cafeteria, where there was a large open space. I waited for motion. Suddenly, there was an explosion, and one of the columns that holds up the second floor burst into rocks. I heard my brother’s voice out of the hundreds of voices in the cafeteria. I looked over. He was running to his girlfriend, Emma, who was laying on the ground with blood streaming down her face.

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