The Blacks family house

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It was like falling…falling…falling. Darkness surrounded her and everything was black. She was falling, but it never ended. She never hit the ground. Red eyes appeared in front of her. She couldn’t breathe.

With a sudden gasp she sat straight up. Coughing violently. Gasping for air. She was lying in front of the fireplace. A blanket over her, in attempt to warm her. A feeling told her she wasn’t alone in the room and slowly she turned her head towards the people that sat in the couch. The familiar red headed woman, Sirius Black and a girl with pink hair sat there. Elizabeth’s throat was soar, she knew better than to speak. It would only make her appear weaker.

“Dumbledore has informed me about your situation.” Black began, chewing on his words. Controlling himself on not to strangle her again. He had so much hatred pointed towards the young woman in front of him and it wasn’t exactly well hidden. Elizabeth leaned her back against the wall as she tried to calm down. Still a little shaken up by the nightmare. “How long was I out?” She said with a horse tone. It was silent in the room before Molly spoke. “A couple of hours.” There were no sympathy or kindness attached to her voice, but it wasn’t cold. It just made Elizabeth feel like an intruder. “I have agreed to let you stay, but on a few terms.” Elizabeth was listening, but didn’t look at him. Instead she glanced around the room. The walls looked tired, but still wore a bit of its former glory. It was high under the roof, indicating this had been the home to a wealthy family before.  

“You will behave as a guest and if you do anything foolish, trust me I will personally make sure you never step a foot inside this house again. I also want you to keep out of my way and the others that doesn’t want your company. Don’t sneak around, are we clear?” He said, when he finished. Elizabeth looked tired up at him, Black had gotten to his feet. She also spotted him holding her wand, but she had expected that. Instead of saying anything she nodded, feeling how exhaustion took over her and her adrenalin that had kept her awake began to run out. “Molly would you show her to her room.” Black said, seeing how Elizabeth’s eyes began to drop.

Elizabeth couldn’t even remember the way to her bedroom, she think she passed out on the way. When she lied down it was like floating on a sky. At least until that pair of red eyes haunted her. Her dreams became heavy, like it was being under water. She had problems breathing and felt herself sink deeper and deeper.

When she finally woke up she hadn’t gotten much rest. Dark circles were under her eyes, but she really couldn’t care less. It wasn’t like she was going out in public. She looked around in the room she was in. She was lying on a soft double bed. A fireplace was by the end of the bed, a dresser on her left and a small night table to her right. It was decorated I green and a large window took most of the space on one of the walls in the rectangular room. She stared out of it for a while, without even seeing what was outside. The sky was blue and it was probably in the middle of the day, but it was that kind of windows you didn’t see anything out of if you didn’t press your face up against it.

With a sigh she slipped out of bed and realized when her feet landed on the soft carpet that the only thing she wore was her black silk robe. “Severus.” She cursed silently. Thinking that he could have bothered to bring her some clothes. But her anger disappeared soon, she really didn’t have any good reason to remain angry at Snape. At least not after everything he had done for her.

Her eyes wandered to the edge of her bed again, where a sweater and a pair of jeans lay. Her mind automatically wandered to the red headed woman and she couldn’t help to feel grateful. It wasn’t exactly her first choice of clothes, but she couldn’t have hoped for much more. She was grateful they didn’t make her embarrass herself more than she had already done, walking around without nothing but her silk robe.

Without making a sound she walked out of her room and wandered down the hall. She heard voices coming from downstairs and instantly became curious. Together with her stomach growling for food.

“What? How can they, its completely against the law, the Ministry-“ She heard an unfamiliar voice say. “The Ministry is corrupt, Fudge won’t see the truth in his eyes even if it’s under his nose.” Sirius spoke. “But what about Voldemort-“ Elizabeth jumped by the sound of the name, already opened the door. They all stared at her in disbelief, while she looked completely pale. Sirius was the first one to get on his feet and growled. “Get out!” He slammed the door shut in her face, making her stumble backwards, landing on to the ground.

“Oh what a Master Kreatcher has. Treating such an honorable guest like this. It’s a shame, a terrible shame.” A house elf was beside her, speaking about his master with disgust. Helping Elizabeth up to her feet. “What would the Mistress say? Mud bloods and blood traitors, in her home.” The elf continued. He was wearing a dirty old cloth and his nose was long and hooked.

“Is there anything Kreather can do for you miss?” He asked, bowing deeply. “Get me some food.” She said and hurried up the stairs.

Elizabeth didn’t sleep well that night, nor did she the nights that fallowed. Snape hadn’t visited her, not once. The thought of it made her stomach go numb, didn’t he care about her at all? She hadn’t expected much more, but for the split of a second she had believed so.

Molly entered with her breakfast, but didn’t speak to her at all. Nobody did. Only Sirius when he growled at her, if she did something that annoyed him. Like for instance walking in on a meeting with “The order.”

She brought her feet up to her knees and stared at them. “Have you- Have you heard anything?” She asked with a horse tone, when Molly was about to walk out. She could see from the corner of her eye that Mrs. Weasley shook her head on her way out.


Okay so I uploaded twice today, because I am not sure when I will have the chance to upload tomorrow. Hope you like it <3

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