The Prophecy

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"START!!" shouted Demi and Lauren.

The seven girls ran through the obstacle course like it was a real life scenario. Maggie and Camila, were noticeably the fastest and they hit the wall at the same time. Climbing up it using the cracks and crevasses, Camila noticed Normani's difficulty and clasped her hand to help her over before sprinting off, giving Maggie the lead. Once all the girls were over they chased after the two girls.

When they got to the water portion of the obstacle course, Normani took the lead. They jumped into the lake sized pool and she used her powers to push her faster. She got to the other side before the others and after taking a look and seeing none drowning, she took off with her new head start.

Getting to their synthetic woods portion of the course she started to internally sweat a little. When the others started to catch up to her the first Guardian revealed themselves by throwing a fire ball near the tree she was about to pass.

Quickly dodging the impact, she turned in a different direction trying to escape the heat. Dinah and Maggie seeing they were under attack, started to throw fire balls of their own. Camila made the ground shake underneath the enemy's feet, throwing them off balance as Ally helped knock them down using her powers over the wind.

They reached the end of the woods and saw a group of Guardians waiting for them. It was down to hand to hand combat before they reached the finish line and the girls were ready. Each girl had at least two Guardians ready to take them down. Dinah was the first to take a hit, but pulled through with the training she had learned, heating up her hands as she delivered hit after hit. Ally flew over her adversaries as she delivered kicks and punches. Camila swung knocking over her second enemy with a swift hit to the jaw, right after delivering a hard kick into the abdomen to the first. Normani struggled for a moment, but quickly redeemed herself as she knocked one guardian out, and rapidly started raining blows on the second. Sofie was by far the quickest of all the girls, using her speed to lay blow after blow until she realized she was in the clear. They girls having rid themselves of their attackers, started to cross the finish line together, panting for air.

"You guys did great, there's a lot of room for improvement, but you have made leaps of improvement!" congratulated Demi smiling.

"But nobody won?" panted Sofie confused.

Lauren smiled at their exhausted state; and said, "You all could have easily won, but instead you looked after each other. I'm more proud you worked as a team rather then letting one of your fellow team mates be taken down. Your stronger working as a unit then trying to take everything down on your own. Congratulations girls on a successful day of training, now hit the showers so we can have lunch and talk about the rest of the day."

The girls nodded still trying to catch their breath as they followed orders.

"What do you think Lo?" asked Demi as they watched the girls limp away.

Lauren sighed and said, "They're still not ready but we're making good progress."

Demi nodded in agreement before turning and looking at her best friend.

"When does the president get here?" asked Demi as she started to walk toward their living quarters.

"Her and the rest of the group will be arriving in a few hours. They will be staying for three days." stated Lauren frowning.

"Have they stopped giving you a hard time for blindfolding them?" asked Demi curiously.

Lauren snorted shaking her head. "No, they don't like the idea that I'm untrusting. They'll change their tune when they get here. I have too many lives in my hands here to worry about hurting their feelings. Although Bea seemed impressed and grateful of my decision. It seems she was thinking the same as I am. Better safe than sorry." She finished.

The Prophecy of Five: Common enemy (part2)(gxg)Where stories live. Discover now