New enemies, New beginnings

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Once Lauren had bound and gagged the General, she handed him off to Demi and Dinah and said,"If he tries to escape kill him. Bea is on her way with her people. He's not one of us, so it's up to her to deal with him."

Lauren had the soldiers dig a way to the white house, and round up the elemental's that had surrendered. Their punishment had yet to be decided. She looked for her soul mate, worried for her state of health, and became even more worried when she didn't see her.

"Where is Camila?" asked Lauren panicking.

Ally smiled knowingly and said,"She's waiting for you on the roof."

Without another word, Lauren flew up to the roof, anxious to see her partner. Landing on the roof with a soft thud, she saw Camila leaning against a pillar gazing at her with a soft smile.

Lauren started to walk towards her as Camila did, and when they met, they embraced each other tightly, breathing in their scent.

"I missed you so much. Never leave me again." Camila whispered softly, holding back tears of joy.

"I told you, I'd always find my way back to you." Lauren whispered kissing Camila's neck gently, and breathing in her wonderful earthy smell.

"I love you." Camila whispered pulling away to look into Laurens smiling eyes.

"I love you too. More than words can say." Lauren said smiling fondly at the love of her life.

Camila leaned forward, taking Laurens lips in her own. They kissed passionately, until both couldn't breath from their urgency.

"I have something to tell you." Camila whispered nervously.

"Yeah? Whats that?" asked Lauren smiling.

"Well, in the future... we should find more efficient means of birth control, because apparently you my love have super sperm." Camila said in nervous amusement.

"uh what?" asked Lauren confused.

"I'm pregnant... I know you didn't want kids, and I'm sorry that things are happening sooner than we wanted them to. I mean we're not even married..."Rambled Camila.

She remembered Laurens reaction the day after they first had sex, and she was nervous of Laurens reaction. She herself wasn't excited at the timing, but this was her and Lauren's baby. And now that she had gotten used to the idea, she wanted it more than anything.

Lauren interrupted her rambling by lifting her up and twirling her around. "Your pregnant!" Lauren exclaimed excitedly causing Camila to sigh in relief.

Lauren put her down and kissed her softly, leaving a lingering kiss through their smiles.

"So its okay? Your happy?" Camila asked nervously.

"Of course I'm happy Camz! We're having a baby!" Lauren said excitedly.

"But you were so against it before." Camila asked confused.

Lauren smiled fondly at her girlfriend and said,"Babe It wasn't that I hated the idea. Quite the opposite actually, I would love to have a family with you. I was just terrified of something happening to you when we faced the General. Protecting a girlfriend is scary enough, protecting a pregnant girlfriend would have made me lose my mind. Now that things will be safer, we can start our lives, just like we always wanted to."

"So this is good." asked Camila hopefully.

Lauren kissed Camila hard leaving her breathless, and whispered,"This is perfect."

"Come on babe, we should supervise the surrender of the elementals. And I don't trust the General. I would have felt more comfortable if Bea let me kill him." Lauren muttered.

The Prophecy of Five: Common enemy (part2)(gxg)Where stories live. Discover now