I Choose you!

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Lauren stepped into the training room, and watched amazed at her six friends verbally attacking Demi. She was cringing in a corner as they surrounded her on all fronts. Lauren had never seen any of them so upset, and she was touched that it was for her.

"How could you not tell us Lauren could DIE!" yelled Camila hysterically.

"You knew all this time there was a possibility that she really might not make it through this war, and you kept it to yourself? What happened to trusting each other or was that all bull shit?" Exclaimed Dinah pissed.

Sofie and Maggie were crying as they looked at Demi severely disappointed.

Normani was holding onto a emotional Camila, and was struggling to find a reason not to let her go. But what saddened Demi the most, was the hurt look in Ally eyes. Seeing tears streaming down Demi face was enough to snap Lauren out of her daze and take action.

"Guys...." spoke Lauren hoarsely.

The girls paid her no attentions as they continued to lash at Demi until Lauren cleared her throat and yelled "GUYS!!!"

All the girls looked at her in surprise when they saw an emotional Lauren in the room, and every eye was filled with tears. As scared as they were, they knew this new revelation must be terrifying for her.

"I appreciate your concern." She started hoarsely. She cleared her throat and willed her tears back. She would not appear weak, it was not what they needed.

"But," she said stronger. "I know Demi. She loves me, and if she didn't tell me, then it must have been for a good reason. She wouldn't just not tell me something like that. You've always trusted her judgement, so trust it now and let her explain. You can't just lash out at her, she doesn't deserve that. Demi please explain to them why you couldn't tell me. I have a good idea but it would be better coming from you." she finished.

The girls took a step back and instantly felt guilty. They had assumed, and hadn't let her explain, which wasn't fair to her. Tears start to fall from every face as Demi started to speak. Demi directed her explanation to the only person that truly mattered. She could live with the others hating her, but not her Lo.

"When I first met you Lauren, I wanted to tell you. I thought if you knew you would train harder and be more aware. But what I soon realized is your kind heart made you fight for others more than you would for yourself. You weren't happy with your life, you were in a way...... depressed. I needed you to have a reason to fight before I told you something that could make you give up right away. I saw how much you wanted to keep these girls safe and I didn't want to put something else on your shoulders. When you met Camila, when I saw you guys truly meet for the first time...." she started, gazing at the two that had locked eyes.

"I knew she was the one in the Prophecy that would help you. I wanted you two to realize your pull towards each other without the prophecy telling you it was there, that you belonged to each other. I knew if I told you, you would have fought it and said it was only for the Prophecy. I didn't want you to doubt there was something there. I watched you gravitate towards each other. Every touch, every glance and I knew I'd have to tell you soon. So I waited, until one of you made a move. But you're so oblivious that time was running out. I didn't have a choice, so I was just going to tell you, but I thought it best to tell you with everyone else. I figured if the leaders saw your honest reaction to the Prophecy, even the harshest skeptic would believe it to be true. I knew that it was a risk and that you might hate me. That you all would hate me.... but I did it because I'm your guardian. My job is to help you save the world, and if getting them to believe your intentions to be as true as they are, then I had to risk this reaction. " she finished crying.

The Prophecy of Five: Common enemy (part2)(gxg)Where stories live. Discover now