Wake up damn it!

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Marissa met the girls in the Transpo room with a team of medical Guardians. Demi stepped off the jet and started issuing orders.

"Get Lo to the medical ward now. She cant be healed, but I want her monitored at all times. Figure out why she hasn't woken up. Marissa tell the Guardians in New York to keep rounding up the Generals stragglers and help with the injured. Have the water guardians help put out fires and the air users help move rubble." Demi ordered pissed.

Marissa ran off following orders, as the medical team began surrounding Lauren and moving her down the hall.

The girls started following until Demi stopped them. "I need you girls in the com room monotoring the Guardians in New York. Guide help where its needed.Camila stay with Lo. I need to call Bea."Demi said stressed walking away.


Camila sat by Laurens bedside exhausted. It had been twelve hours since they arrived back at HQ, and the days events had ran the girl down. Her phone beeped on her emergency line and she answered annoyed.

"What?" Camila snapped.

"We need you in the com room now. The General wants a word." Marissa said scared.

Camila's face became enraged as she took one look at her sleeping lover, and ran out the door. She entered the communications room heated, and saw a smiling general looking at her through the screen.

"You son of a bitch!" Camila raged.

"tsk tsk. Is that the welcome I get. I see my surprise in New York has made you all a little sensitive. I warned you, I want Jauregui, and I will get her." He said smiling.

"You will never have her YOU BASTARD! If anyone will own her it WILL be me! I will kill everyone of your men before I let you have her!" Camila screamed shaking.

The girls gasped as the earth began to shake around them.

Demi jumped next to Camila and leaned towards her whispering,"Calm down Mila, he wants you upset so he can get a read of the earths vibrations and see where we are."

Camila instantly calmed not wanting to give them away and instant focused so that small earth quakes broke out in every state. She had learned beautiful control, and her rage amplified her powers ten fold.

"Ah smart girl. I see you caught on to my deception. No matter. You will not win this war, I suggest you give up now while you can. Now where is my beautiful monster?" He asked annoyed.

"She is busy. You talk to us or not at all. What did you want?" said Camila arrogantly.

His jaw tightened and he said menancingly," Tonight's activities were just the beginning. If you are wise you will surrender. I will not be made a fool. The next time I strike, I will strike at the heart of America. You will never win."

"Before it was July, what has made you change you mind? Is it that your becoming scared? I destroyed hundreds of your men with half of the numbers. If anyone should be afraid it should be you. They next time we come across your men, we will demolish them." Camila said angrily.

"Oh dear, you have no idea what I'm capable of. You have fifteen days to surrender. Choose wisely. It may be the last choice you make." He replied angrily before the screen went black.

"Did you talk to Bea?" Camila said turning to Demi.

"Yes, I explained the situation. The foreign leaders are moving to our bunkers now. I told Bea to leave the white house, but she's stubborn, She wont leave." Demi said annoyed.

The Prophecy of Five: Common enemy (part2)(gxg)Where stories live. Discover now