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"Come on girls! Your a team! Use each other!" Demi shouted.

It had been a month since Demi's capture, and the girls were training fiercely. Their last mission was a success and a failure, and they used the experience to push themselves. No one was going to allow something like that to happen again. They were currently in the upper level training room, being attacked by twenty Guardians and were proudly holding their own.

"Coming in Mila watch out!" Dinah shouted. Using her fire as small engines, she launched herself into the air and flew over Camila, lighting the Guardians surrounding her aflame, tapping them out of the fight. Luckily they were in fire resistant suits for this occasion and laid on the ground in defeat.

Now free to help the others, Camila watched Normani and Sofie as they fought five Guardians and decided to intervene. She stomped her foot towards the enemy and shook the ground beneath them, knocking them to the floor as she ran to their sides with Dinah.

Ally who had Maggie in arms as she blasted guardians with fire balls, flew around them and landed next to earth shaker. Now fully together, the girls formed a circle as all twenty Guardians, even those that had laid on the ground, rushed them.

Fighting as one, they used their hand to hand with their powers, demolishing the Guardians right and left, until they were the only ones standing.

Clapping filled the air as Lauren and Demi cheered for them.

"You guys are doing great!" exclaimed Demi happily.

"That's my girls! Quick thinking using Mags Ally cat! That's what I call team work!" Lauren shouted excited.

The girls smiled exhausted as they thanked their trainers and the other Guardians who attacked them for training. The Guardians were excited to help. Now that the girls were becoming a powerful force to be reckoned with, the Guardians and other users in the facility acted as if they were some kind of celebrities.

"How about we go home for a bit and Demi and I'll make you guys a feast huh? I feel like we barely use our kitchen." Lauren suggested.

"Oh my god will you make some of your spanish rice!?" Normani exclaimed excited.

"Your chorizo beans!" voted Sofie smiling widely.

"Enchilada's!"squealed Ally jumping cutely from foot to foot.

"So I see we're going with Mexican tonight huh?" Demi said smiling amused at them.

Camila smiled with a slight pout. Lauren leaned down to her and whispered, "I'll throw in a Cuban dish for you sweet heart."

"Really?" squealed Camila grabbing Laurens face and giving her a breathless kiss.

When she pulled away, Lauren was in a daze causing her to smirk in victory.

"If I get a kiss like that, I'll make it a weekly thing." Lauren breathed out.

"Oh my god Mila, seriously?" Dinah said laughing.

Normani smacked her upside the head causing Dinah to pout at her. "Leave her alone, I think it's cute. You should take lessons." Normani said snidley.

"Oh yeah? Who am I trying to impress?" Dinah shot back,

"Apparently no one, and if you keep being so damn stupid you never will!" Nomani said angrily stomping away.

"Oohh DJ is in the dog house." Sofie whispered to Maggie.

"Yeah, because she doesn't see whats right in front of her, sounds like someone I know." Maggie sadly replied, walking away from the group and never meeting Sofie's eyes.

The Prophecy of Five: Common enemy (part2)(gxg)Where stories live. Discover now