The pulse of soul mates

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Ally wiped her tired eyes as she looked at her sleeping girlfriend for the millionth time that night.

Sitting in the medical ward of the white house, Ally sat there reflecting on everything that had changed within the last few months. Almost four or five months ago, she was coming home from a boring job and heading towards another hopeful first date. She remembered what it was like, meeting a guy who seemed perfect, only to prove her terribly wrong in one date.

Then a stubborn red head entered her life, and her views of perfection completely changed. Demi was far from perfect, but loving her was everything Ally had ever wanted. Everything she never even knew she wanted.

But, that love that Ally always wanted. The love she always dreamed about, came at the biggest price she's ever had to pay.... Fear.

Gut wrenching fear, that threatened to choke her everyday, and some days it all just felt like too much.

While loving Demi brought more wonders than Ally could ever hope for, it also came with a constant fear of losing her. Everyday that she treasured Demi, was another day she grew more terrified of losing her.

When Demi was captured, Ally thought she was losing her mind. Watching some one else touch her, beat her.... Hearing her screams and cries of pain, had been more than Ally thought she could bear.

Tears started to leak from her eyes at the memory of how she felt flooded her mind, and she was too numb with fear to bother wiping her face. Last nights memory of Camila riding in with a bleeding out Demi, brought that fear to the surface so hard if she had been standing she would have been crippled and brought down to her knees.

Was this what love was? Wondered Ally silently.

Was it loving someone so much, that the fear of losing them was worse than fearing for your own life? Was it constantly fighting to have your happily ever after?

Sighing in her seat next to Demi's bed, Ally hunched over and covered her face with her hands as she struggled with the emotions swirling around her. A hand gently caressed her shoulder making Ally's head shoot up towards Demi. Seeing her still asleep, Ally turned and saw a sympathetic Camila caressing her back in comfort.

"Hey." Camila whispered, taking a seat in the chair next to Ally.

"Hey... Is everyone asleep?" asked Ally gathering herself as she wiped her tear streaked face.

Leaning back in her chair, Camila sighed tiredly nodding as she replied,"Yeah. Selena took us to our rooms. Everyone is probably knocked out by now."

"So what brings you down here?" asked Ally as she gazed back at Demi's sleeping form.

Camila followed Ally's gaze as she too stared at her sleeping friend.

Camila was quiet for a few moments, and whispered," When your a kid, and your dreaming of your happily ever after, they forget to tell you everything that happens after you meet your prince and ride off into the sunset. They don't tell you how scary it is to watch them ride off into battle praying they come back to you safely. They don't say how much it tears you apart to watch them hurting and knowing there's nothing you can do to take the pain away. They dont tell you, your ever after comes with a price...."

"No they don't." Whispered Ally, her voice cracking as her emotions threatened to spill over.

"But, do you know what we have going for us?" Continued Camila smiling sadly.

Ally turned towards Camila, her eyes filled with sadness as the next words she heard would change everything for her.

"We have each other to get us through these rough patch's. And since we both have the most stubborn, head strong heroes as girlfriends.... We'll need all the support we can get." Camila said smiling teary eyed at an emotional Ally.

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