Pissed off Mila

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The girls gathered around Lauren's bed, dressed in their battle gear to say their goodbyes.

It was the middle of the night and Lauren had been in a coma for seven days, and the girls couldn't wait anymore for her to wake up. They were worried and scared to go to the white house without their leader, but the world needed them, and they had to do what they could to save it.  One by one the girls kissed her forehead and cheeks, whispering "See you soon".

Camila was the last to bid Farwell as the girls left to the transportation room giving her a few minutes of privacy. She took gripped Laurens hand in hers and breathed in shakily. Using her left hand to wipe the tears that flowed down her cheeks, she leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss on her sleeping lovers lips.

The gentle kiss broke her, and her lips started to quiver as she pulled away.

"I need you Lo, so please wake up soon. I'll try my best to protect our girls, and myself..... but if I can't, I want you to know I have never loved anyone like I love you. Even if my life ends now, I'll still be grateful, because I got to spend my last few months  loving you. If there's another world for us out there, I'll be there waiting Lolo. I love you." Camila whispered softly as she squeezed Laurens hand and forced herself to walk out of the room.

It took every ounce of her to walk to the transportation room. Once she approached the jet, she climbed into her seat and buckled herself in as the others shot her sympathetic glances.

"Lets go." Camila let out shakily.

Simon looked at Demi and nodded. He started up the jet as the transporter lift ascended towards the surface. Ally gripped Camila's hand and whispered,"Have faith Mila. She'll wake up."

Camila squeezed her hand and looked forward. "I hope it's soon, because I can't imagine doing this without her." Camila whispered.

Ally didn't respond, because to be honest, the thought of fighting without Lauren worried the whole group. Lauren held them together, she was their leader and without her, it felt like they were fighting blind. The flight to Virginia was silent. Once they were about a hundred miles from the white house, Simon suspended the Jet outside of the city.

"Okay girls, just like before we'll be using our bikes. this time when we get to the city we separate in groups of two. Dinah and Sofie, then Ally and Maggie will take the main roads, your burner phones have been programmed to your helmets, the GPS will guide you. Normani, Camila and I will be taking the back roads to the ware house we need to reach the tunnels. The secret entrance to the tunnels that go under the white house will be there. Get there as fast as you can, do not allow anyone to recognize you, and do not use your powers if you can help it. You have plenty of ammunition on your belts and bikes to see you through. Try not to destroy the city girls, the less attention we see the better. You girls can do this, we've trained hard, and have already have experience in the field. you guys got this. Take care of each other, Lo isn't here so we need to watch each others backs now more than ever. Good luck girls." Demi ordered confidently.

The girls unbuckled them selves and each climbed onto their bikes.

Once they secured their helmets and started their bikes, they focused on the present mission. Simon opened the hatch and they felt a strong wind fill the compartments.

"Ally now!" yelled Demi as she started forward riding towards the hatch lift.

Using her powers, Ally wrapped each of the girls in strong wind currents as they rode off the jet, safely landing on the deserted highway. They rode swiftly towards the city for almost an hour, and when they entered the populated area they quickly separated. Each group taking their designated routes and praying they all made it to their destination safely.

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