Thank you so much for all your support!!! You guys are epically awesome!!!
I promised to upload soon, so here it is and its rather long, so please apreciare it : )
I'm tired so this is a short message for once...
enjoy ; 0
As the car comes to a stop at the school on Monday, a sharp feeling hits me in the stomach and I let out a small growl. Intruders. My senses tell me straight away as I step out of the car that there is something unwelcome here, something or someone who shouldn’t be on my territory. Another growl passes through my lips and the guys all stop to look at me questioningly. Surely they could feel it too?
< ‘Intruders,’ I snarl letting the one word display a thousand feelings. >
A low echoing growl shoots through our grouping and I shake my head in frustration, who? I take a few deep breaths then push my senses further reaching out to the unknown threat and am hit by a wave of pure anger. Does he not realise that if I feel the need I have full right to kill him for infringing banishment? That fucking mutt is going to be begging for forgiveness when I’m through. Another burst of anger sears through me as my sense pick up that he’s not alone, there are around six others with him, more than half a pack. Is he trying to declare war?
My pack are all tense around me as they watch for a signal, any signal which tells them what to do, how to react other then by ripping his bloody head off.
“Alpha?” Jack asks in a low voice so no one but us can here him.
“Cole has broken his banishment and brought friends with him this time too,” I tell them viciously trying hard to keep my power reeled in. If I let it show normally now that it is this strong I have a feeling the humans might feel something, not strong enough to question my humanity but enough to make them act submissively, which I would not freaking stand for.
I look at each of their faces before holding my head high. “We can’t make a big deal out of this at school or we could get into major trouble when one of us gets angry and changes in font of students but we will make sure they know who they’re messing with don’t you worry.” I tell them naturally using my Alpha voice before flicking my hair dramatically behind my shoulder and making a dramatic sigh before walking off towards the main steps. I hear a few chuckles behind me before the guys fall in step around me.
I walk towards the others from our tribe like any other school day but my body is tense, constantly scanning for the Blood Valley assholes who have decided on a field trip to my territory. As we walk over Aiden, Dylan, Mark, Ollie, Lucas, Rick and Jay, along with a few others all look up from their conversations. I watch with amusement as Seb and Calum tackle Lucas, Rick and Jay in greeting and they all start to talk and joke as usual.
I look over at the others and see them looking kind of bored. “Aiden, Dylan, Mark, Ollie; you don’t have to hang around us all day, go.” I tell them and then grin before going off to hang out with their friends. The younger members of our tribe don’t have enough of them to be their own social groups so they end up hanging out with normal students. Whatever floats their boats.
“I’m going to the office; I’ll see you guys later.” I tell them before rushing off. But of course I’m not aloud to even move an inch without one of them guarding me…
“Erin, wait up!” Sam calls as he bounds up beside me.
“You on guard duty?” I ask slowing my pace for him to catch up.

I Am The Alpha (Part 1/2)
Loup-garouErin Daniels is part of the East Forest Pack, not only that but she's the Alpha. In a male dominant race this makes her one of a kind. She was born with the Alpha imprint on her skin but as she grew older it changed into something the likes of which...