I am the Alpha - Part 72

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 Hey all (:

sorry its been such a long time but this was a hard part to write! I thank you all for your patience and support of my ideas though I am not sure whether I can whip up a mock ending part in time... so it may just be a cliffy...

Please tell me what you think!!

Thank you so much for your love and support! I couldn't have gotten this far without you





“Come on its just up ahead” Chase calls, running ahead of the rest of us.

I quicken my pace and soon find myself walking along the ancient stone path leading into the Tarhbeish. I can’t help but stop in my tracks as the ancient arc that acts as the gateway looms out of the forest ahead of me looking more incredible then I ever can remember it to be. Suddenly I find myself getting shoved from behind as Mitch gives me a grin... “Come on, shut your trap and lets go inside” He teases and runs through after Chase.

I chase after him soon finding myself in the familiar stone construction and am soon followed by the others. My eyes linger on the walls knowing that the familiar symbol will pop out at me momentarily. I walk towards the far side of the circular walls and my eyes come to rest on the strange swirling inscription ‘Inruk Lupus alaea frageset’ my body fills with familiar heat as I re-read the sentence again. What language is that even in? It looks similar to Latin but it’s definitely not.

I take a step back and look around to find the others doing similar things to me all except Jordan and Jack who are conversing in the middle of where the fire is made usually. I let my eyes trail around instinctively until they land on Seb and Calum who are also conversing in low voices, very low voices. I can’t believe after all this time they are still hanging on to their theories about what happened. Jack might kill someone if they do anything erratic. I shake my head, pushing aside my thoughts and walk over to join Jack and Jordan.

“How do you reckon we go about asking this place anything?” Sam calls out while walking over to join us. That is a good question.

“I’m not sure” Jack replies honestly sounding unsure.

“Do ya reckon we need to make a fire?” Jordan questions. Do we?

“No, if this place has the answers we seek then we’ll be able to find them without a ceremony” I think aloud.

“Yeah” Sam agrees quietly his eyes tracing the walls.

All of a sudden everyone else appears around us and we all look at each other. Time to start then.

Let’s start with all thinking the same thing... ‘how do we find the answers we need” Jack commands calmly.

I close my eyes in concentration. How do we find the answers we need? I ask generally in my head somehow not feeling stupid for talking to an ancient place in my mind. Something begins to thrum inside me. Holy crap that is cool, does that mean it’s actually working? I open my eyes only to find them immediately drawn to a plaque I never noticed before. I look around me finding the others staring at the same spot. It worked.

I take a step towards the small copper plaque that seems to be almost as old as its surroundings and it seems to snap the others out of their stupor making their eyes lock on me instead of the plaque. Do they want me to look? I turn to face Jack and he nods towards the plaque in a silent command that takes away any lingering doubts I had. I approach with an even pace, my heart thrumming in my chest. I walk right up to the plaque reading it as I go.

I Am The Alpha (Part 1/2)Where stories live. Discover now