The Beach

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"We're here!" I shouted to get everyone up and it worked.

We got out of the car and walked around to find the perfect spot.

"Shall we sit here?" Jc asked.

"Sure" We all answered and put our stuff down.

I took off my cover up and my shorts and I felt Jc staring.

"Dayumm" Jc said.

"Grow up" I rolled my eyes.

"Guys remember your can't play rough with Andrea and I" I reminded them.

"We know" They sighed.

Andrea and I got out towels and laid them down on the sand. Then we laid down to tan.

We tanned for who knows how long. I felt someone tap me so I rolled over.

"What?" I asked.

"Come in the water" Jc said.

"Ugh alright" I said and stretched my arm out for him to help me up.

"What?" He asked.

"Help me up!" I snapped.

"Whoa" He said.

"I'm sorry. I'm pregnant and pregnant women do this" I apologized.

He grabbed my hand and I got up.

"It's alright" He said.

We walked to the water and splashed each other a little bit then it started to get dark.

"Guys wanna do a bomb fire?" Sam asked.

"Sure!" We all agreed.

We dried off and went over to it and got it started.

We all sat around it and started talking until I found something.

"What's that?" I pointed.

"Some guitar" Kian said.

I got up and grabbed it and sat back down. I started strumming the cords to Be Alright by Justin bieber then started singing.

"Cause everything's gonna be alright" I sang.

"Wow your really good" Everyone said.

"Thanks" I said and set the guitar down.

"Excuse me" Someone said behind me.

"Yes?" I said as I turned around.

"Your amazing! Do you want a Record Deal?" The man said.

"Umm" I said unsure and turned to around.

They all shook their heads so I turned around to the guy.

"Yes" I said.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Kendall Parks" I answered.

"Alright" He gave me his card and told me to call him tomorrow.

"Oh my goodness! Your gonna be famous!" Connor cheered.

"I don't know about this guys I mean I have a boyfriend, I'm pregnant. This is hard" I said.

"We will help you! Do it and see what it's like" Andrea said.

"Uhh alright" I said. "But Jc is this alright with you?"

"Just try it and see how it goes then we will talk" He said.

"Alright" I said.

I leaned in and he did too and we kissed. Then I heard sparks. I pulled away and fireworks were going off.

"That scared me back that was so cool" I laughed.

We all sat back and watched the fireworks until they were over.

"Wanna take a walk? I love walking on the beach when it's dark" I asked everyone.

"Sure, I'll take the stuff to the car" Ricky said.

The rest of us all got up and started walking. Jc and I held hands and so did Andrea and Kian.

"Oh I'm sorry!" I heard a girl say.

I looked over and she was talking to Sam.

"You guys go I'll catch up" He said to the rest of us.

We all continued walking.

"He's probably gonna get the digits" Eric said.

"Probably" I said.

"Guys wait up!" I heard Sam yell. We all stopped and saw him with a huge smile on his face.

"Got her number and she lives in San Antonio" He said.

"Nice" We all said.

"We should probably head back now" Trevor said.

"Yeah" I said.

We turned around and walked back to the car. Then I stepped on something sharp.

"Ow!" I screamed in pain.

"What's wrong?" Jc asked.

"I stepped on something" I said.

He looked at my foot.

"You stepped on a shell. It's alright" He said.

"It's hurts though" I said.

"Hop on my back" He said.

"Are you sure? I'm heavy now" I said.

"It will be fine" He said.

I did what he told me to and he carried me to the car.

We got back in the spots we were in on the way here. But Ricky was now driving.

We all fell asleep expect Ricky of course.

"Guys! Up now were home" Ricky yelled.

I woke up and got out of the car. We all went back to our house or apartments.

I walked straight to our room and crashed.

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