It Was All A Dream

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{A/N I would like to thank and give a shout out to Alexa1nDa17 for giving me that idea in this chapter and in the next couple ones!}

"Kendall!" I heard Jc yell.

"Yeah?" I asked sleepily.

"Are you alright you were screaming?" He asked worriedly.

It was all a dream everything, the ultrasound, the proposal. Everything.

"Yeah I'm fine" I lied as I sat up.

"Well it's 10 so start getting ready" He said.

"Okay" I yawned.

I got out of the bed and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass and poured some water in it and drank it slowly. Then I walked back to my room and searched for some clothes to wear.

I picked out some random shorts, a t-shirt, and vans.

I took over the bathroom once Jc got out.

Once I got done it was time to leave so I grabbed my bag along with my sunglasses and phone.

We walked out the door hand in hand very nervous.

Once we got to the doctors office, Dr. Jones was ready to see me. I brought along Jc and we followed her to the room.

She did her thing.

"Okay let me take a look" She said referring to her computer screen.

"Oh my!" She gasped.

"Is everything alright?" Jc asked worriedly.

"It's twins!" She said excitedly.

"Oh my gosh!" I said in shock but happy.

"What gender?" Jc asked.

"Boy and a girl" She said.

"That's amazing" I annulled and looked over at Jc.

He looked very shocked. Like very very.

"Okay well I should see you another time as congratulations!" She said.

"Thank you" I said getting up.

When we got home Jc didn't say a word the whole drive home.

"Are you mad?" I finally asked him.

"Ehh" He said.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes.

I walked out the door to Andrea and Kians.

I knocked and Kian answered.

"Hey!" He said giving me a hug.

"Hi" I said sounding upset.

"Come in" He said.

I saw Andrea on the couch so I ran over to her and cried in her arms.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I'm having twins and Jc is mad and he won't talk! I don't know what to do!" I cried.

"Shhh it's okay" She said.

I took a couple breaths and stopped crying.

"That's a challenge" Kian said.

"That's not helping Kian" I sniffled. "I'm gonna move back in with my mom for now"

"What why?" Andrea asked.

"It's only down the road and because I can't live with a jerk. I will move back when he learns to grow up" I explained.

"I understand but would you like to know what gender out baby is?" She asked.

"Yes!" I said excitedly.

"A girl!" She squealed.

"Aww yay! What's her name?" I asked.

"We really like the name Courtney" She said.

"Aww ours is Brady and Lacey" I smiled.

"I like that!" She said.

"Me too. Well I'm gonna go and grab my things and go to my moms. I'll see you guys later" I said as I got up.

"Okay! See ya girly!" She said as I closed the door.

I went back grabbed some clothes and threw them in a bag and drove to my moms.

"Hey mom" I rushed to her and gave her a huge hug when she opened the door.

"Hey sweetie why are you here?" She asked.

I explained to her everything and she understood.

We had a movie night and watched a couple movies until she was ready to go to bed.

"Night mom love you" I said making my way to my old room.

"Night sweetie" She said.

I crawled in my old bed which smelled like Jc so I cried some more then finally fell asleep.

(A/N So it was a dream! But their having twins! What a challenge! But Jc got mad :( I hope everything is gonna be okay! You'll have to see!)

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