No. 16

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Hi everyone! I don't have much to say today, but the next time I update I will be in FLORIDA AT UNIVERSAL. Like, I won't be able to handle it. But anyway, enjoy the chapter!! X

"Hi Lily- flower!" Sirius whispered, sitting down next to Lily in transfiguration.

"Sirius?" Lily looked over at the boy, she was used to him coming to sit down next to her, but was confused as to why he was early.

"That's my name." He confirmed.

"You're here early. You've come to class early." She watched his eyes widen.

"I'm here early?!" He whisper shouted. "I thought I had come 20 minutes late!" He sighed loudly.

He ducked his head, scanning the classroom, before slowly and silently attempting to get up.

"Not so fast." Lily had already grabbed his arm and yanked him back down into his seat.

"Fine." Sirius huffed, folding his arms and pouting like a 5 year-old.

"Good boy." Lily patted the top his head, before turning back to her notes.

"I'm not a dog you know..." Sirius mumbled, and realising what he just said, followed it up with, "Nevermind."

Lily chuckled at Sirius' behaviour, before he snatched Lily's notes from underneath her hand.

"Hey! Give them back!" She hissed, trying to reach over and grab her notes back, but Sirius had already whipped them off the table, examining them.

"Lily- flower, this is just a piece of parchment with your name written all over it. And it kinda looks like James' handwriting..." Sirius twittered on to Lily, as she managed to snatch the parchment from Sirius' hands.

"That's because it is you twit." She whispered, as not to disturb anyone else. "It was in his transfiguration textbook he let me borrow yesterday."

"Aw, and you kept little Jamsie-poo's notes from his book?" Sirius said in the most ridiculous voice ever.

"And what's wrong with that?" She said, folding up the paper and stuffing it inside her robes.

"You two are in loooooove." He cooed, swooning all over the place.

"And what's wrong with that?" Lily repeated herself.

"Nothing really, I think it's great actually. I get more time to spend with Marlene." Sirius shrugged, leaning on his hand.

"You really love her, don't you?" Lily smiled at the boy, who looked now like a tomato.

"Well... I wouldn't call it love..." Sirius whispered.

"I would. Have you seen the way you look at her. Have you seen the way she looks at you?" Lily smiled knowingly. "She looks at you-"

"The way you look at James." Sirius finished her sentence for her.

"I guess you could say that." She let out a weak chuckle.

"You two look at each other with the upmost admiration. You absolutely adore each other." Sirius smiled. He liked having these conversations with Lily. It just put him at ease, and it let him relax.

"I could say the same for you and Marls. If you'd stop denying it all the time." Lily rolled her eyes as she spoke, with a small smile creeping on to her lips.

"It's hard. I've never been in love before, so I'm not very familiar with the feeling. It's strange." He stated, crinkling his nose.

"It might be strange, and it might be foreign to you, but it sure as hell is the best feeling ever." Lily was smiling widely now, as was Sirius.

"That, is true, Lily- flower. You got me there." He chuckled, turning round to Professor McGonagall as she started to speak.

He knew he was in love. And he knew she was in love with him. But he always came across the same problem: did he really want to admit it?


"You excited for the Christmas holidays then?" Lily asked, trotting down the stairs from her room.

"Yes. Even more because I get to spend it with you." James answered, pulling her into his lap.

"I'll have to meet your parents." Lily sighed, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"They'll love you." James reassured her, clasping her hand in his own, and kissing it softly.

"You really think so?" She asked nervously, as she would be meeting his parents in only a week.

"I know so." He coiled his arm around her waist, pulling her closer towards him.

"You'll have to meet my parents too. And my sister." Lily said quietly, just quiet enough that he could hear her.

"I know, in just five days too." He said calmly.

"I'm so nervous." Lily admitted to him, burying her face in the crook of his neck.


"My family are kind of... unpredictable, I guess. They were never fond of Severus."

"I agree with them." James said truthfully, then realising that may have offended her. "I'm sorry."

"No, James. Don't say sorry. You were right. My parents were right." She brought herself to look him in the eyes. "I'm an idiot for thinking he was ever my friend."

"Awh, no Lils. You weren't an idiot, you never have been. You were just blinded by the fact that he was the first wizard you met." His hand was placed under her chin, his thumb drawing circles across her cheek.

She looked at him for a while, as his thumb gently traced across her cheek. Sirius was right. She did look at him like she adored him. And that's because she did. She adored him more than anyone right now, just for the few sentences he spoke to her. She never thought in a million years that she would be in love. She never thought in a million years that she would have fallen so deeply in love. Especially with James Potter.

"I love you." She stated. Before pressing her forehead against his own. Still intently staring him in his eyes. He connected their lips, wrapping his arms around her so tightly that it was not possible for them to be any closer right now. Her hands traced up his neck and to his chin, cupping his face in her hands, not wanting the moment to ever end. The kiss was getting deeper and deeper, showing each other how much they loved one an other.

"I- love- you." James managed to say in between the kiss, making sure that she knew.

If this wasn't love, then what is?

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