No. 20

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Hello everyone! Sorry the update is a bit late a completely forgot but it's here now with 26 minutes left of the day! oh and btw if any of you are on moviestarplanet UK then pls comment your user name lmao thanks! Enjoy the chapter! <3

James walked down the stairs if the Evans household and strolled into the kitchen, noticing Mrs Ev- Rose cutting up some vegetables.

"Rose, is there any chance I could have a glass of water, please?" James asked, very politely.

"Of course there is dear, there's no need to be shy." She smiled. There was just something about Lily's mum that made James feel safe.

"I really appreciate you letting me stay for dinner, Rose."

"It's no problem. You know, Lily has told me all about you. She's very taken with you, and I don't feel the need to tell you to take care of her because I'm quite aware that you already do a very good job of that. I'm rooting for you, James. Don't mess it up." She put a reassuring hand on James' arm as she handed him his glass of water.

"Thank you, it means a lot that you don't mind me dating your daughter. I love her more than words can explain and I have waited for her for so long, I'm not letting her go." He said. "Did Lily ever tell you about a boy called Potter? Bit of a prick?"

"She did, actually. She was always going on about how annoying and arrogant he was and she said something about him being very egotistical."

"I don't think I have fully introduced myself yet, Rose. James. James Potter." He held his hand out and she took it, her jaw dropped.

"You're the Potter boy?"

"I'm afraid so. But I deflated my giant ego for your daughter, she means a lot to me."

"It's very nice to hear. I hope you two last a long time."

"Me too."


"For a glass of water, that took a considerable amount of time." Lily raised her eyebrows at James as he walked in, smirking.

"Well it's nice to have a little chat with your mum, Lils."

"What did she tell you...?" Lily said slowly, worrying about what her mum could have said.

"She told me that you said I take very good care of you and that you're quite taken with me." James said, putting down his glass of water on Lily's bedside table.

"At least she didn't lie." Lily smiled, standing up and walking over to him.

"But I have a feeling that you told her a lot more." James said, still smirking at Lily, as he placed his hands lightly on her waist.

"Maybe I did, nosey parker. But what is that of any relevance to you?" She asked, pulling his glasses from his face and wrapping her arms around his neck. It had become a habit for her lately, when she was trying to kiss him, she would often complain that his glasses were getting in the way.

He kissed her lightly at first, but then pulled away very quickly, as to tease her. "If that's how it is..." She said, as she started to pepper his jawline with kisses.

James was as blind as a bat without his glasses; he couldn't see a thing, everything was just one giant blur. So, Lily was entirely a surprise to him.

She kissed her was down the bridge of his nose and up to his lips, but then she stopped. She was so close to him thag he could feel her breath on his lips, and all he wanted to do was kiss her.

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