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Picture up top To those confused to what she's wearing...lol don't question it.


I don't know what's worse, getting up hella early after 3 months of getting to sleep in till 12, or seeing he ugliest faces in your life surrounding you for 7 straight hours of your life. I guess I'll have to take in these 10 months of hell. Never mind, basic bitches say that.

I got up off my lazy ass and did the usual, using my my special strawberry-figi-island b&bw soap. After that, I continued to wash my brown wavy hair, eventually adding leave in conditioner, leaving a soft texture to my hair.

I stepped out onto the cold pink floor, sending shivers down my spine as the cold air hit my back.

"Honey,I'm leaving! I'll be back at 10, breakfast is in the microwave. Tell Debra to clean the mirror in my room! Love you." My dad shouted up the steep steps.

My dad was a businessman, I didn't know exactly who he worked for but, that's not my business right? Sometimes  I wondered, I don't think it's that important for me to know, but I would still like to know where he was 99% of the time. He was hardly home. My mom died while she was birthing me, making me a 'miricle baby', it must've been hard for the rest of the family. I didn't often see them around either. I didn't feel simponthy though, I don't know what she was fully like. I'm sure she was a kind loving person, based on what my dad told me.

I dried my hair, In a slow pace since I didn't have to rush. It was only 6:00. After that I combed it, straightening it after.

It was about 6:20 now, I picked put my outfit yesterday so I didn't have to waste time. It was a pink skater skirt, with a white cropped top. Although you couldn't see my belly because the skirt was high waisted. I'd rather not show my body anyways. Don't get me wrong, I loved my body I just wouldn't feel comfortable  showing most of my skin at school.

I put on my white Adidas originals and grabbed my furry white purse,as I headed out the door.

"Debra! The mirror isn't gonna clean itself!" I said to the maid as I hopped in my lemo.


"Here you are Miss Baltimore. Have a great day miss."

I smiled and handed my 20$ tip to Benjamin, thanking him and stepping out the lemo.

A few glares and dirty looks were excepected, I mean it is the first day of school. I got my papers from the office and countinued to my locker.

The school smelled of sweaty people and old food, which was not surprising at all. Speaking of people that I know, but I never really liked them so I ignored them.

They wernt friends, they were aqqatinces . If they were in a cage, and called my name, I would say that I didn't know them. What's so wrong with that?  I obviously don't know anything about them. But based on some of there looks you could just tell, they suck.

"Well well well, if it isn't miss little marina." A deep familiar voice said behind me. My back hand was ready for action, but it could be the principle for all I know.

"What the fuck do you want?" I turnt around to face the one and only, Samuel wilkinson. Absouloutly revolting, disgusting, idiotic person anyone could ever meet. I do not apologize for my choice of words because, of course he already know it.

"Nice to see you again." He kissed my hand, me yanking it back in disgust.

"I hopefully won't be seeing you again today."

"It's a possibility." He said behind me as I countinued to my locker, flipping my hair. Honestly all the boys here were either ugly, stinky, fuckboys, or inernet famous wannabes.

I finally found my locker, and put the combination in. Also placing my belongings in it.

This school day interesting. All we did was greet teachers and select class groups, and of course I had to be a science lab parter with Samuel, for a fuckin year.

I waited till the end of school to complain about this commotion, hoping I would get my way.

"Please please mister ark, I cannot be partners with such a low class of skill!"

"Why not, you can help him study! It'll be grand. I bet you'll have an solid a by the end of this trimester."

"Yea I'm sure that'll happen! He doesn't even know what the 3 laws of motion are, I think i have made my point sir."

"I'm sorry marina, but there is no changes that will be made." He countinued to put useless papers in is stuffed binder, which I'm sure will explode any minute now.

I huffed and moved a big piece of my hair to the side. Not bothering knowing how long Benjamin has been waiting.

"Hey! Marina!" I was stopped by my one and only true friend, Amy.

We exchanged girlie kisses and squealed. I could see Benjamin rolling his eyes sitting in the parking lot.

"Where have you been! Things have changed so much." She fakely cried, making me chuckle.

"Busy. I wouldn't have wanted to hang around any of these losers,but you!"

"Wait, are you calling me a loser?" She gasped.

"Oh honey no! I'm just saying your the only Person I would really actually hang around!"

Sometimes, things come out the wrong way, I don't seem to make a deal about it people make mistakes now and then.

"Anyway, have you seen Samuel?  His hotter than before!"

First, Sam-Sammy-Samuel or whatever his name is was never hot, I wouldn't consider my friend having such bad taste in guys, hear me again. My friend. It's much better if you just agree, I wasn't here to stand and talk nonsense anyway.

"I know right! Anyway I have to get goin. Text me!" I blew her a slight kiss before exciting to my lemmo.

"You've returned miss." Benjamin said with an attitude.

"God Benjamin I'm sorry, some people are just a waste of time." I sighed as he pulled off the lot.


Y she so rude lol

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